Finding Book Reviews in History
To find reviews, follow instructions below and type keywords from the title of the book in the search box.
- Academic Search Complete (Ebsco)Limit "document type" to book review.
- America: History and Life (Ebsco)Limit "document type" to book review.
- Book Review Digest (1906- )This is a PAPER source in the Index Area, Main Floor East. Call number: Z 1219 .C96. You need to know year the book was published. Includes excerpts from the reviews.
- Book Review Index (Gale)A comprehensive online guide to book reviews with over five million review citations from thousands of publications. NOTE: to search for reviews from 1965-1979, go to advanced search, uncheck the box labeled "documents with full text," change the date limit to before January 1, 1980, and THEN type your search words above. Also in paper at Z 1035 .A1 B6, Index Area, Main Floor, East.
- Historical Abstracts (Ebsco)Limit "document type" to book review.
- Historical Newspapers (Proquest)Choose "Advanced Search." Under "document type" select "review." NOTE: Sometimes the review limit is not accurate. You may have to search the title of the book and/or author name, without adding the limit review.
- Iter Bibliography: Gateway to the Middle Ages and RenaissanceSelect advanced search. Limit "type of work" to "review" or "review article."
- JSTORSelect "advanced search" and limit "item type" to "reviews." May not have the most recent titles.
- MasterFILE Complete (Ebsco)Limit "document type" to book review.
- Readers' Guide Retrospective (1890-1982; Ebsco)Choose "book review" in "document type."
- Reviews in American History (1973-present; Johns Hopkins University Press)In-depth review essays about the latest books in American history