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"On This Date" Searching in Historical Newspapers

  • Go to the Historical Newspapers database, which includes the Chicago Tribune, 1849-present; Los Angeles Times, 1881-present; New York Times, 1851-present; Wall Street Journal, 1889-present; and Washington Post, 1877-present.
  • Click Advanced Search, if not already there.
  • Choose the "on this date" search like this:

screen shot of "on this date" search in database


See guide for complete list.

New York Times/

Create an account and get full access to New York Times and International New York Times content, including breaking news, multimedia, blogs, videos and more. Click here to set up your free account. Once you create an account, you may access either on or off campus using your account credentials.

Faculty and instructors also have access to the New York Times in Education, a resource of teaching strategies, articles, discussion questions, case studies and more. Click here to set up access and register with your email address.

Wall Street Journal (Website)

Wall Street Journal

Create an account here with your OU credentials and get full access to content, including breaking news from around the world, multimedia, detailed analysis, blogs, videos and more. You will need to refresh access on an annual basis. Users should receive an email notification seven days prior to their refresh, indicating how to refresh their access. Access to this resource is provided by the Price College of Business.