Cite It Right!
If you are writing for a class, your instructor should provide a preferred citation style for papers or lab reports that you will write. If they have not, you can ask them for their preferred citation style. This page will help you find examples of the citation style you need and provides resources explaining how to attribute content correctly, why it is important, and provides links to people who can help you do this if you want to make sure you are doing it correctly.
- Nine Things You Should Already Know About Plagiarism"Nine Things You Should Already Know About PLAGIARISM Plus . . . Six Excuses That Don't Work And . . . Three Things You Don't Need To Worry About". This is a great read to review the basics of how to attribute the work of others correctly and why it is important!
- Academic Integrity at OUIt is the mission of the University of Oklahoma to create an academic culture that fosters student integrity both in and out of the classroom. Resources found throughout this website can help you to understand this mission, as well as guide you through the academic integrity system.
Get Help with Your Class or Paper
- Writing CenterThe OU Writing Center is a university-wide program that enriches learning, teaching, and research through engagement with writing. We assist students and faculty across the campus with all types of writing projects at any stage in the writing process.
- U.C. Action (Tutoring)U.C. Action offers walk-in, small group appointments, online tutoring, and faculty directed sessions to help students take action towards their own academic success.
- Contact a Science LibrarianContact the subject librarian for your class or department, listed at this link.
Citation Style References
If you want to manually write your citations or check an automatically generated citation's format, these books and links will show you common citation formats. Your class or project may require a specific style, usually from the author guidelines of a scientific journal. To find one a specific journal citation styles, use a search engine to search for the name of the journal and "citation style" or the journal name and "author guidelines". If you need assistance finding a style guide, please contact your subject librarian.
Scientific Style and Format by
Call Number: T11 .S386 2014ISBN: 9780226116495Publication Date: 2014Developed by the Council of Science Editors (CSE), the leading professional association in science publishing, this indispensable guide encompasses all areas of the sciences. Now in its eighth edition, it has been fully revised to reflect today's best practices in scientific publishing. It includes references for citing government documents, reports, bills and statutes, online images and information graphics, podcasts and webcasts, online videos, blogs, social networking sites, and e-books. Style instructions for physics, chemistry, genetics, biological sciences, and astronomy have been adjusted to reflect developments in each field. Additionally, a full discussion of plagiarism and other aspects of academic integrity is incorporated, along with a complete treatment of developments in copyright law, including Creative Commons.
- Council of Science Editors Citation Quick GuideOnline quick guide to the material covered in Scientific Style and Format book listed above. Some formats, such as those for government documents, legislation, and statutes, are only in the print edition.
- UC Davis Citation Style LinksLinks to field-specific citation guides in the sciences and other fields.
- Basic Legal CitationInformation on legal citation formats which may be of use to STEM researchers working on regulatory or policy issues. CSE also has legal formats included in the full print edition.
- Government PublicationsChicago Style formats for government publications. CSE also has government publications included in the full print edition.
Citation Management with Zotero
Zotero is a bibliographic management tool that you can use to organize and cite your sources.
Visit our guide for an introduction to Zotero installation and use.
Switching from EndNote to Zotero? provides instructions on switching from EndNote to Zotero..
Switching from Mendeley to Zotero? provides instructions on switching from Mendeley to Zotero..
Citation Manager Style Sources
If you use a reference or bibliography manager such as Zotero or EndNote, you can download supplemental styles for them to match the requirements of your class, professor, or journal.
- Zotero Style RepositoryDownload citation styles for use in Zotero.
- Endnote Output StylesDownload citation styles for use in EndNote.
- Zotero annotated bibliographies in APA or Chicago style"If you'd like to use Zotero to create an annotated bibliography in APA or Chicago style, you can use a custom citation style designed specifically to output annotations."