Additional Databases
- Congressional PublicationsIndex of legislative information, including congressional publications from 1789 to the present, legislative histories for public laws dating back to 1970, testimony from congressional hearings, bill histories, the Congressional Record and Federal Register, Congressional Research Service reports, and information about congressional members and committees, and Executive documents 1789-1931. Some full text available.
- CQ Press LibraryA collection of databases available from CQEL on various subjects. Includes: CQ Historic Document Series, CQ Politics in America, CQ Researcher plus Archive, CQ Almanac, and CQ Weekly. Full text available.
- Ethnic Newswatch CompleteNewspapers, magazines, and periodicals of the ethnic, minority and native press. Some full text available.
- Social TheoryProvides access to a selection of historically significant documents that focus on the nature of social behavior and organization.
Statistics and Datasets
- Current Index to StatisticsIndexes journals, books, and proceedings covering statistics and related fields.
- ICPSRProvides access to an archive of raw social science data for research and instruction. Electronic access to ICPSR is funded by the College of Arts and Sciences. All questions about ICPSR should be directed to the campus Official Representative for ICPSR, Dr. Keith Gaddie (, Department of Political Science.
- World Bank Open Data PortalThis database provides access to over 2,000 World Development Indicators (WDI) from the World Bank data sets covering over 200 countries.
- Kanopy Streaming VideoProvides access to streaming video supporting classes in the arts, business, health, media/communication, science, humanities and education.
- ProQuest Dissertations and Theses GlobalIndexes U.S. doctoral dissertations completed at accredited institutions since 1861 (abstracts since 1980) and dissertations and theses, most with abstracts, from the U.K. and Ireland since 1716; includes some dissertations from Canada, and Europe, as well as some master's theses and foreign language dissertations. Find most OU dissertations full text through summer 2013; after that date, find OU dissertations in SHAREOK. Most dissertations from other institutions, 1997 to present, are full text. To obtain pre-1997 dissertations, use the interlibrary loan request form.
- SHAREOKSHAREOK is an open-access institutional repository for the University of Oklahoma and Oklahoma State University. It includes some theses, dissertations, and faculty publications.
NOTE: Many universities, including OU, have started archiving dissertations in their own institutional repositories rather than through Dissertation Abstracts. Find most OU dissertations via SHAREOK. If dissertations from other universities are not available in Dissertation Abstracts, check Google Scholar.
Legal Information
- Legal Information Reference CenterOffers tools and how-to instructions covering a wide-range of legal issues. A majority of the full-text legal reference books available are provided through Nolo, a provider of legal information for consumers and small businesses. With the Legal Forms by U.S. State feature, users can search state-specific legal forms by top subject areas including adoption, bankruptcy, name changes and more. Some full text.