- Quest For Equal Educational Opportunity A Brown V. Board Of Education Mock Argument : Prof. Erwin Chemerinsky Versus Prof Derrick Bell.Call Number: KF 228 .B76 Q81 2003 DVDRecorded at a symposium held at the Washington College of Law on March 20-21, 2003.
- Racism and Death Penalty Social Science DataCall Number: KF 9680 .F37 1983Millard Farmer discusses discrimination in the selection of jury members and techniques of exposing discrimination in potential jurors. VHS
Rainmaker, The
Call Number: PN 1997 .R35 1998 DVDISBN: B00AEFYDV8A rookie lawyer in over his head on a high-profile case hires a feisty paralawyer who specializes in flunking the bar. Their chances of winning are slim to none until they uncover a trail of corruption.Reversal of Fortune
Call Number: PN 1997 .R48 2001 DVDISBN: B00UNEJ3XSDid European aristocrat Claus von Bulow attempt to murder his wife Sunny at their luxurious Newport mansion in 1980? The tabloids of the day certainly had their opinions. "You have one thing in your favor," defense attorney Alan Dershowitz told von Bulow, "Everybody hates you."- Road to Brown, TheCall Number: KF 373 .H644 R63 1990 DVDPresents the role of Charles Hamilton Houston in the cases which led to the landmark Supreme Court case of Brown vs. Board of Education. Gives a history of segregation, Jim Crow Laws, the NAACP and biographical information on persons influential in the desegregation movement.
- Robert's Rules Made SimpleCall Number: JF 515 .R67 2012 DVDProfessional speaker Susan Leahy presents an effective and informative updated training program on how to use Robert's Rule of Order to get work done and increase communication by running more efficient meetings. Realistic re-enactments of the seven fundamental motions used to produce results during most meetings are presented.
- Robert Blecker Wants Me DeadCall Number: HV 8699 .U5 R63 2009 DVD"Robert Blecker is one of the country's most impassioned crusaders for capital punishment. A self-described "emotive retributivist," Blecker teaches at the New York Law School in lower Manhattan. From there he conducts his one-man crusade to save capital punishment from the mounting wave of moratoriums and death-row commutations. Blecker teaches that death is the only just penalty for "the worst of the worst" -the small fraction of the nation's convicted murderers who have surrendered their right to live by the irredeemable viciousness of their crime. His credo is: "some people deserve to die, and we have an obligation to kill them." Daryl Holton is one of those people. In 1997, Holton murdered his four children with an assault rifle in Shelbyville, Tennessee. For these crimes, he was given four separate death sentences. the two meet on a 2005 research trip to Riverbend maximum-security prison outside Nashville. For the next year and a half the condemned man and the scholar warily spar with one another through a roller-coaster of death-watches, postponements and court-ordered stays, all the while exploring together the meaning of mercy, justice, and the morality of the death penalty."--from DVD cover.
- Rodney King Case What the Jury Saw In CA v. Powell, TheCall Number: KF 224 .K56 P69 1992Presents the key portions of both prosecution and defense cases, condensing 150 hours of gavel-to-gavel coverage. Includes the 81 second amateur videotape which recorded the events that occurred during the evening of March 3, 1991.
Rumpole of the Bailey
Call Number: PN 1992.8 .D48 R86ISBN: 0783101570v. 1. Rumpole and the genuine article ; Rumpole and the old boy network. -- v. 2. Rumpole and the sporting life ; Rumpole and the blind tasting. -- v. 3. Rumpole's last case ; Rumpole and the judges elbow. --v. 4. Rumpole and the old, old story ; Rumpole and Portia. VHSRunaway Jury
Call Number: PN 1997.2 .R86 2004 DVDISBN: B00014NEZIAfter a man dies in a shooting incident, his wife files a lawsuit against the company that manufactured the gun. Her lawyer argues that the firm in question knew the shop which sold the weapon was not following federal regulations. As the case goes to trial, the firearm manufacturer takes no chances on the outcome, and they hire Rankin Fitch, a "jury consultant" who makes it his business to see that he knows enough about the jurors to be able to guarantee the result of the trial.