Reference Books: Print & Online
Finding Information from a Reference
Reference materials are compilations; a "reference" connects a researcher to background information in a way that is intended to be found quickly when needed. Reference materials can be dictionaries, encyclopedias, bibliographies, handbooks and guides, catalogs, atlases and maps, directories, almanacs – even the internet.
Using OU Libraries' Catalog
Although the library guide you currently read is considered a reference material, the following lists are not comprehensive. Check the OU Libraries Discover catalog to connect to even more resources. Think about the keywords you would use to search the catalog; for general books containing definitions of terms or overviews of a subject, search for your keywords plus "encyclopedia" or "dictionary." Want reference assistance? Reach out to the STEM Services team at
Looking for a reference on citation style? Visit the Citations page of the guide.
Finding Books in the Library by Call Number
Books are located in Bizzell Memorial Library in the following call number locations.
Library of Congress Call Numbers for Chemistry:
Call Number Range | Topic |
QD 1-65 | General chemistry |
QD 71-142 | Analytical chemistry |
QD 146-197 | Inorganic chemistry |
QD 241-441 | Organic chemistry |
QD 415-436 | Biochemistry |
QD 450-801 | Physical and theoretical chemistry |
QD 625-655 | Radiation chemistry |
QD 701-731 | Photochemistry |
QD 901-999 | Crystallography |
What's new about the catalog? See if the library has a copy of your class's textbook!
Textbooks on Reserve and course reserve materials are now searchable by course code (ex. HIST 3403), course name (ex. Modern Israel), title (ex. Quiet Street), or author. Some materials are searchable by professor last name (ex. Seidelman). Students can search the catalog or the new Textbook Search Scope (located under the Search Scope drop-down menu).
Identifying Substances & Finding Chemical Property Information
- Knovel Critical TablesFeatures tables of properties for commonly used chemical compounds in the physical properties tables. Tables in KCT include Basic Physical Properties of Inorganic Compounds, Basic Physical Properties of Organic Compounds, Critical Properties and Acentric Factor, Enthalpy of Formation, Enthalpy of Vaporization, Entropy of Formation, Entropy of Gas, Gibbs Energy of Formation, Heat Capacity of Gas, Helmholtz Energy of Formation, Internal Energy of Formation, Basic Physical Properties of Common Solvents, and Safety Properties of Common Solvents.
- ChemSpiderBasic substance information, including: structure, molecular formula, synonyms, and class/subclass. Also has some chemical property info.
- Common ChemistryBasic substance information, including: CAS Registry Number, molecular formula, synonyms, structure, and Wikipedia link
- CHEMnetBASECHEMnetBASE is the online home for reference works from the CRC Press, including "Handbook of Chemistry and Physics" and "Combined Chemical Dictionary (CCD)" and more.
- ThermoDex (University of Texas)ThermoDex contains records for selected printed and web-based compilations of thermochemical and thermophysical data for chemical compounds and other substances. Due to copyright and technical considerations, the actual data are not contained in ThermoDex. ThermoDex is based primarily on the holdings of the Mallet Chemistry Library at the University of Texas at Austin. Links are provided to identify library holdings in your area.
- PubChemSearch for information about chemical compounds or substances. Substance pages have links to safety and toxicity and original research articles.
- SciFinderUse the 'Substance' search. Good for finding information on less common compounds. Includes extensive property info. (Users must register)
- NIST Chemistry WebBookThermochemical, thermodynamic, gas phase ion, and spectral data for organic and some inorganic compounds
- MatWebProperties of materials, including: polymers, metals, alloys, ceramics, fibers, composites, semiconductors, and other engineering materials
- EPA Chemistry DashboardSearch over 700,000 chemicals to find chemical and physicochemical property data. The chemical dashboard is searchable by various chemical identifiers including CAS Registry Numbers, systematic and common names, and InChIKeys.
- International Critical Tables of Numeric Data, Physics, Chemistry and TechnologyA major reference source used by those involved in chemistry, physics, and engineering. This resource offers data on physical, thermodynamic, mechanical, and other key properties.
- Finding Physical & Chemical Properties (Vanderbilt Library Guide)Guide to print and online reference sources by physical property. Everything from "activation energies" to "Young's modulus."
- Chemical Information Sources/Physical Property SearchesChemical Information Sources Wikibook
- Smithsonian Physical TablesThe revised edition of the Smithsonian Physical Tables is comprised of 901 tables concentrating on a broad scope of common physical and chemical data. The information provided is of general interest to scientists and engineers, and of particular interest to those involved with physics in its larger sense. Full text is available.
- Polymers: A Property DatabaseA database of 30,000 of the most commonly sought organic compounds, featuring physical data, spectral data, and structures.
- Knovel LibraryProvides reference books, data sets, and information in the fields of chemistry, the life sciences, and materials science and engineering. Full text is available.
- NIST Data GatewayUse the NIST Data Gateway to search a wide variety of technical data including chemical and physical properties.
- Chemical Information for Chemists byCall Number: QD 8.5 .C44 2014ISBN: 1782621105Publication Date: 2014-03-17This book is a chemical information book aimed specifically at practicing chemists. Written and edited by experts in the field, it is ideal for chemists who lack a chemical information professional able to teach basic and intermediate techniques in retrieving and evaluating information using the unique entry points of the chemical literature, including structure, formula, substructure, and sequence.
- Combined Chemical DictionaryDatabase contains over 500,000 substances; includes descriptive and numerical data on chemical, physical and biological properties of compounds; systematic and common names of compounds; literature references; structure diagrams and their associated connection tables.
- Dictionary of Natural ProductsDatabase of properties, structures, and relationships of natural products.
- Dictionary of Organic CompoundsDatabase contains: fundamental organic compounds, commercial compounds, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, solvents, reagents, and important biochemicals. DOC also covers the principal organic compounds of Se, Te, As, Sb and Bi. There is also selective coverage of organo-B and organo-Si compounds, especially those of importance in synthetic organic chemistry.
- IUPAC Compendium of Chemical Terminology - the Gold BookDictionary of chemical nomenclature, terminology, symbols and units.
Terminology definitions published by IUPAC are drafted by international committees of experts in the appropriate chemistry sub-disciplines, and ratified by IUPAC's Interdivisional Committee on Terminology, Nomenclature and Symbols (ICTNS). - Dictionary of Commonly Cited CompoundsA database containing the top 25,000 most commonly cited compounds in Chemical Abstracts.
- Dictionary of Inorganic and Organometallic CompoundsA comprehensive database of coordination compounds, organometallic compounds, the elements, simple binary and ternary compounds, and major bioinorganics. Includes literature references and structure diagrams.
- Dictionary of Natural ProductsThe Dictionary of Natural Products provides properties and complete history of relevant literature for over 328,000 natural compounds.
- Dictionary of Organic CompoundsA comprehensive and up to date database of organic compound chemical, physical, and structural data.
- Dictionary of ScienceThis dictionary contains over 9,000 entries on all aspects of science and provides comprehensive coverage of biology, chemistry, physics, the earth sciences, and astronomy. Appendices cover the periodic table, geological time scale, and animal and plant classification. Also featured are short biographies of leading scientists and chronologies of specific subjects, including plastics, electronics and cell biology.
- Hawley's Condensed Chemical DictionaryHawley's Condensed Chemical Dictionary is a compilation of technical data and descriptive information covering thousands of chemicals and chemical phenomena, trade name products, processes, reactions, products, and related terminology.
- McGraw-Hill Dictionary of ChemistryIncludes more than 6,000 entries that fully define the language of chemistry. This dictionary covers all disciplines, including organic and inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry, analytical chemistry, biochemistry, and chemical engineering. Entries include hundreds of synonyms, acronyms, and abbreviations and identify the fields in which a term is used.
Handbooks, Encyclopedias, & Assorted References
- CRC Handbook of Chemistry and PhysicsCelebrating over 100 years since its first publication, the content of the 96th Edition of the CRC Handbook of Chemistry & Physics is now available online.
- Merck IndexThe Merck Index is an encyclopedia of chemicals, drugs and biologicals with over 10,000 monographs on single substances or groups of related compounds. It also includes an appendix with monographs on organic named reactions.
- Material Safety Data Sheets OnlineSearch a large collection of MSDS. Free registration required.
- Safety Data Sheets – National Institute of HealthNIH website listing government databases containing MSDS and SDS.
- Industrial Guide to Chemical and Drug SafetyThis reference work covers current industry standards regarding the handling, use, transportation, storage, and disposal of chemicals and drugs. The guide covers chemicals by key classes, such as solvents, pesticides, and metals, and by key industries, such as drugs, food additives, plastics, cosmetics, detergents, and soaps.
- Knovel LibraryProvides reference books and information in the fields of chemistry and the life sciences, materials and engineering. Full text available.
- Chemical Abstracts Service Source Index (CASSI)CASSI can help identify and confirm journal titles and abbreviations to ensure bibliographic information is correct.
- Encyclopedia of chemical reactions, compiled and edited by C. A. JacobsonFind it in the library at QD 155 .J3
Described by a prominent chemistry librarian as "an unparalleled source for basic, basic reactions."
- Fieser and Fieser's Reagents for Organic SynthesisISBN: 9780471264194In the Fieser and Fieser's Reagents for Organic Synthesis series, you'll find the entire contents of all print volumes, including an A to Z listing of all reagents cited in synthetic literature with concise descriptions and illustrations of chemical reactions. To save you time in researching, all information about a particular reagent is collected in one single article. Thousands of entries abstract the most important information on commonly used and new reagents, including preparation, uses, sources of supply, critical comments, references and more.
- Patai's Chemistry of Functional Groups byISBN: 9780470682531Patai covers all aspects of the chemistry of functional groups – an essential tool for the organic chemist – including physical organic chemistry, analytical chemistry and techniques, reaction mechanisms, chapters on synthetic pathways, reactions and strategies as well as applications in drug discovery, pharmaceuticals, biochemistry and molecular biology.
- March's Advanced Organic Chemistry, 7th ed. byISBN: 111847225xPublication Date: 2013The new, revised and updated 7th edition of "March's Advanced Organic Chemistry" clearly explains the theories and examples of organic chemistry, providing the most comprehensive resource about organic chemistry available. Readers are guided on planning and execution of multi-step synthetic reactions, with detailed descriptions of all the reactions.
- Handbook on the Physics and Chemistry of Rare Earths byISBN: 9780444636997Publication Date: 2016-08-03Handbook on the Physics and Chemistry of Rare Earths is a continuous series of books covering all aspects of rare earth science, including chemistry, life sciences, materials science, and physics. The book's main emphasis is on rare earth elements [Sc, Y, and the lanthanides (La through Lu], but whenever relevant, information is also included on the closely related actinide elements.
- Patty's Toxicology byISBN: 9780471125471Publication Date: 2001Patty's industrial hygiene and toxicology. Presents comprehensive toxicological data for industrial compounds from metals to synthetic polymers. Information for each compound includes CAS numbers, RTECS numbers, physical and chemical properties, threshold limit values (TLV's), permissible exposure limits (PEL's), maximum workplace concentrations (MAK), and biological tolerance values for occupational exposures (BAT).
- Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook, Eighth Edition byCall Number: TP 151.P45 2008ISBN: 9780071422949Publication Date: 2007-11-13First published in 1934, Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook has equipped generations of engineers and chemists with an expert source of chemical engineering information and data.
- Polymer Handbook byCall Number: QD 388 .B7 1999ISBN: 0471166286Publication Date: 1999-03-08This one-stop reference, now almost 2,000 pages, brings together all the data needed in theoretical and experimental polymer research. It is designed so the scientist doesn't have to search through multitudes of literature for information on polymers.
- Rodd's Chemistry of Carbon Compounds: a modern comprehensive treatise. byCall Number: 547 R61cISBN: 9780444533456
- Van Nostrand's Encyclopedia of Chemistry byCall Number: QD 4 .V36 2005ISBN: 0471615250Publication Date: 2005Scientists, engineers, and technologists in many fields need a knowledge of chemistry because of the importance of chemistry in diverse technologies. In addition, to "classical" topics of chemistry, the new Encyclopedia covers nanotechnology, fuel cell technology, green chemistry, forensic chemistry, supramolecular chemistry, combinatorial chemistry, materials chemistry, and proteomics. This fifth print edition has been revised and updated, and includes over 200 new articles, as well as 1,300 updated articles.
- Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical TechnologyISBN: 9780471238966Publication Date: 2001 (with updates through 2015)The Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology presents a wide scope of articles on chemical substances—including their properties, manufacturing, and uses. It also focuses on industrial processes and unit operations in chemical engineering, as well as covering fundamentals and scientific subjects related to the field. Additionally, environmental and health issues concerning chemical technology are addressed.
- Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry byISBN: 9780471976707Publication Date: 2000-12-19Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry is the most comprehensive analytical chemistry reference available, covering all aspects from theory and instrumentation through applications and techniques. The chemistry and techniques are described as performed in the laboratory (environmental, clinical, QC, research, university), in the field or by remote sensing.
- Encyclopedia of Biological Chemistry byISBN: 9780123786302Publication Date: 2013-03-14The Encyclopedia pulls together over 500 articles that help define and explore contemporary biochemistry, with content experts carefully chosen by the Editorial Board to assure both breadth and depth in its coverage.
- Encyclopedia of Chemical Physics and Physical Chemistry byISBN: 0750303131Publication Date: 2001The Encyclopedia of Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics introduces possibly unfamiliar areas, explains important experimental and computational techniques, and describes modern endeavors. The encyclopedia quickly provides the basics, defines the scope of each subdiscipline, and indicates where to go for a more complete and detailed explanation. Particular attention has been paid to symbols and abbreviations to make this a user-friendly encyclopedia.
- Burger's Medicinal Chemistry and Drug DiscoveryISBN: 0471266949Publication Date: 2005Burger's Medicinal Chemistry, Drug Discovery and Development provides a comprehensive source on medicinal chemistry and drug discovery and development. This authoritative resource incorporates the entire drug development cycle (preclinical testing, clinical trials, etc.), alongside medicinal chemistry and drug discovery.
- Encyclopedia of Computational Chemistry byISBN: 9780470845011Publication Date: 2006-03-31Includes 500 complex illustrations in full color. Thorough cross referencing and Definition Entries (one paragraph dictionary articles). Reference list contains not only traditional material, but also FTP and HTTP sites and similar entries to electronic sources. Contributions from more than 300 leading computational chemists. von Rague Schleyer is also the editor of Wiley's well-known Journal of Computational Chemistry.
- Encyclopedia of Forensic ScienceISBN: 9780470061589Publication Date: 2009 (updated through 2015)This resource provides essential information for forensic scientists, doctors, practicing and academic lawyers, paralegals, police, crime scene investigators, analytical chemists, behavioral scientists, and toxicologists.
- Encyclopedia of Inorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry byISBN: 9781119951438Publication Date: 2012 (updated through 2015)Formed from the merger of the Encyclopedia of Inorganic Chemistry and the Handbook of Metalloproteins. From basic inorganic chemistry principles to the latest thinking and developments in materials, energy, bioscience, nanoscience and catalysis, the Encyclopedia of Inorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry is an essential online resource for researchers and students working in all areas of inorganic and bioinorganic chemistry.
- Encyclopedia of Metalloproteins byISBN: 9781461415336Publication Date: 2013-10-24In biochemistry, a metalloprotein is a generic term for a protein that contains a metal cofactor. The metal may be an isolated ion or may be coordinated with a nonprotein organic compound, such as the porphyrin found in hemoproteins. In some cases, the metal is co-coordinated with a side chain of the protein and an inorganic nonmetallic ion. This kind of protein-metal-nonmetal structure is seen in iron-sulfur clusters. Metalloproteins deals with all aspects related to the intracellular and extracellular metal-binding proteins, including their structures, properties and functions.
- Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology byISBN: 9780471440260Publication Date: 2002-03-14Written and peer reviewed by experts from around the globe, Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology provides up-to-date coverage of traditional topics of continuing interest to professionals, researchers, educators, and students, including polymeric materials, polymerization reactions, processing and finishing, properties, and morphology.
- Encyclopedia of Radicals in Chemistry, Biology, and MaterialsISBN: 9781119953678Publication Date: 2012Covering not only basic concepts and chemical synthesis, the encyclopedia also covers various aspects concerning the role of free radicals in materials and life sciences. Offering the reader a balanced contribution of topics related to free radicals, for example, their role in proteomics, genomics and lipidomics as well as their enormous potential in synthesis and technology.
- Protein Science EncyclopediaISBN: 9783527610754Publication Date: 2008 (with updates)Presenting the single most comprehensive knowledge source for protein scientists, Protein Science Encyclopedia covers the structure of proteins, the function of proteins, analytical methods of proteins, engineering of proteins, and medical aspects of proteins.
- Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry, 7th ed.ISBN: 9783527306732Publication Date: 2009 (with updates through 2015)ULLMANN'S Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry is a state-of-the-art reference work detailing the science and technology in all areas of industrial chemistry. Subject areas include: inorganic and organic chemicals, advanced materials, pharmaceuticals, polymers and plastics, metals and alloys, biotechnology and biotechnological products, food chemistry, process engineering and unit operations, analytical methods, environmental protection, and many more.
- Encyclopedia of ElectrochemistryThe Encyclopedia of Electrochemistry covers all electrochemical areas, including fundamentals in electrochemistry, instrumentation, electroanalytical chemistry, corrosion and oxide films, electrochemical engineering, semiconductor electrodes / electrodes and modified electrodes, photoelectrochemistry, inorganic and organic electrochemistry, and bioelectrochemistry.
- Encyclopedia of Inorganic and Bioinorganic ChemistryThe Encyclopedia of Inorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry (EIBC) includes over 2,200 articles covering a wide range of topics within the field, from basic inorganic chemistry principles to the developments and applications in materials, energy, bioscience, nanoscience and catalysis.
Resources for Teaching and Learning Chemistry
Commonly Used Textbooks
- Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry byCall Number: QD 75.22 .F865 2014ISBN: 9780495558286Publication Date: 2014Known for its readability and systematic, rigorous approach, this fully updated Ninth Edition of FUNDAMENTALS OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY offers extensive coverage of the principles and practices of analytic chemistry and consistently shows students its applied nature.
- Principles of Instrumental Analysis, 6th ed. byCall Number: QD 79 .I5 S58 2007 (on Reserve; older editions in stacks)ISBN: 9780495012016Publication Date: 2007PRINCIPLES OF INSTRUMENTAL ANALYSIS has long been the standard for courses that deal with the principles and applications of modern analytical instruments.
- Quantitative Chemical Analysis, 8th ed. byCall Number: QD 101.2 .H37 2010 (on Reserve; older editions in stacks)ISBN: 9781429218153Publication Date: 2010The most widely used analytical chemistry textbook in the world, Dan Harris's Quantitative Chemical Analysis provides a sound physical understanding of the principles of analytical chemistry, showing how these principles are applied in chemistry and related disciplines, especially in life sciences and environmental science.
- Advanced Organic Chemistry, Part A: Structure and Mechanisms byCall Number: QD 251.3 .C367 2007ISBN: 9780387448978Publication Date: 2007The two-part, fifth edition of Advanced Organic Chemistry has been substantially revised and reorganized for greater clarity. The material has been updated to reflect advances in the field since the previous edition, especially in computational chemistry.
- Advanced Organic Chemistry, Part B: Reactions and Synthesis byISBN: 0387714812Publication Date: 2007Part B describes the most general and useful synthetic reactions, organized on the basis of reaction type. It can stand-alone; together, with Part A: Structure and Mechanisms, the two volumes provide a comprehensive foundation for the study in organic chemistry. Companion websites provide digital models for students and exercise solutions for instructors.
- Physical Chemistry, 3rd ed. byCall Number: QD 453.3 .E54 2013 (on Reserve; older editions in stacks)ISBN: 032181200xPublication Date: 2012Engel and Reid's Physical Chemistry provides students with a contemporary and accurate overview of physical chemistry while focusing on basic principles that unite the sub-disciplines of the field. The Third Edition continues to emphasize fundamental concepts, while presenting cutting-edge research developments to emphasize the vibrancy of physical chemistry today.
- Physical Chemistry, 4th ed. byCall Number: QD 453.3 .L35 2003 (on Reserve; older editions in stacks)ISBN: 061815292XPublication Date: 2003With its clear explanations and practical pedagogy, Physical Chemistry is less intimidating to students than other texts, without sacrificing the mathematical rigor and comprehensiveness necessary for a junior-level physical chemistry course. The text's long-standing reputation for accessible writing provides clear instruction and superior problem-solving support for students.
- Essential Biochemistry byCall Number: QD 415 .P67 2021 TEXTBOOKSISBN: 9781119713203Publication Date: 2021-03-23Essential Biochemistry, 5th Edition is comprised of biology, pre-med and allied health topics and presents a broad, but not overwhelming, base of biochemical coverage that focuses on the chemistry behind the biology. This revised edition relates the chemical concepts that scaffold the biology of biochemistry, providing practical knowledge as well as many problem-solving opportunities to hone skills. Key Concepts and Concept Review features help students to identify and review important takeaways in each section.
- Biochemistry byCall Number: QP 514.2 .M384 2013ISBN: 9780138004644Publication Date: 2012-02-10The fourth edition of Biochemistry preserves the clear writing, strong physical chemistry background, and the use of the "Tools of Biochemistry" feature to underscore the experimental nature of biochemistry. This edition has been comprehensively and consistently updated to present the current developments in a rapidly evolving field.
- Biochemistry byCall Number: QP 514.2 .V64 2011 TEXTBOOKSISBN: 0470570954Publication Date: 2010-12-01The "Gold Standard" in Biochemistry text books. Biochemistry 4e, is a modern classic that has been thoroughly revised. Don and Judy Voet explain biochemical concepts while offering a unified presentation of life and its variation through evolution. It incorporates both classical and current research to illustrate the historical source of much of our biochemical knowledge.
- Principles and Techniques of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology byCall Number: QP 519.7 .P75 2010 TEXTBOOKSISBN: 0521516358Publication Date: 2010-03-04This best-selling undergraduate textbook provides an introduction to key experimental techniques from across the biosciences. It uniquely integrates the theories and practices that drive the fields of biology and medicine, comprehensively covering both the methods students will encounter in lab classes and those that underpin recent advances and discoveries. Its problem-solving approach continues with worked examples that set a challenge and then show students how the challenge is met.
- Inorganic Chemistry byCall Number: QD 151.3 .M54 2014ISBN: 0321811054Publication Date: 2013-01-20With its updates to quickly changing content areas, a strengthened visual presentation and the addition of new co-author Paul Fischer, the new edition of this highly readable text is more educational and valuable than ever. Inorganic Chemistry, 5/e delivers the essentials of Inorganic Chemistry at just the right level for today's classroom -- neither too high (for novice readers) nor too low (for advanced readers).
- Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry byCall Number: QD 151.5 .R39 2006 TEXTBOOKSISBN: 0716789639Publication Date: 2006-01-01This bestselling text introduces descriptive inorganic chemistry in a less rigorous, less mathematical way. The book uses the periodic table as basis for understanding chemical properties and uncovering relationships between elements in different groups.
- Inorganic Chemistry byCall Number: QD 151.5 .S57 2014 TEXTBOOKSISBN: 1429299061Publication Date: 2014-01-01From the fundamentals to the frontiers of research, this classic text offers an introduction to inorganic chemistry no other book can match. The new edition is most modern and most student-friendly yet, covering both the theoretical and descriptive aspects of inorganic chemistry in presentation that includes helpful new study tools and, as always, a captivating focus on experimental methods, industrial applications, and cutting-edge topics.
Study Guides for Undergraduate Students
- Chem1 Virtual TextbookA reference text for General Chemistry, written by Stephen Lower of Simon Fraser University. A readable introduction to general chemistry concepts.
- Chemistry ExplainedAn online encyclopedia of general chemistry concepts. Each article has references and links to more resources.
- Royal Society of Chemistry: Education resourcesRSC portal for educational resources. Explore the periodic table or use the chemical data and structure search, ChemSpider.
- Schaum's Outline of College Chemistry, 9ed byISBN: 9780071476706Publication Date: 2007-06-01Meeting the needs of both students and professionals the Schaum's study outlines have been in print for more than 25 years and present basic concepts and principles for rapid mastery with 100s of problems leading to deeper comprehension.
- Preparing for Your ACS Examination in General Chemistry byCall Number: QD 42 .E83 2006ISBN: 0970804202Publication Date: 1999-02-01
- Cracking the GRE Chemistry Subject Test, 3rd Edition byCall Number: QD 42 .C794 2005ISBN: 0375764895Publication Date: 2005-09-20Named "Best Chemistry Subject GRE Prep Guide" by The Daily News! THE PRINCETON REVIEW GETS RESULTS. Getting a high score on the GRE® Chemistry Subject Test isn't about memorizing every formula or theory ever devised--it's about targeting how you prepare for the exam itself. We teach you only the information you'll need, along with the best strategies for the day of the test.
- Schaum's Outline of Organic Chemistry byISBN: 0071811117Publication Date: 2013-05-28Tough Test Questions? Missed Lectures? Not Enough Time? Fortunately, there's Schaum's. This all-in-one-package includes more than 1,800 fully solved problems, examples, and practice exercises to sharpen your problem-solving skills. Plus, you will have access to 24 detailed videos featuring Chemistry instructors who explain the most commonly tested concepts--it's just like having your own virtual tutor!
- Preparing for Your ACS Examination in Organic Chemistry byCall Number: QD 257 .P74 2006ISBN: 0970804210Publication Date: 2002-01-01
- Preparing for you ACS Examination in Physical Chemistry byCall Number: QD 456 .H65 2009ISBN: 9780970804228Publication Date: 2009-11-12
- Schaum's Outline of Physical Chemistry byCall Number: QD 456 .M4 1989ISBN: 0070417156Publication Date: 1988-07-22Confusing Textbooks? Missed Lectures? Not Enough Time? Fortunately for you, there's Schaum's Outlines. More than 40 million students have trusted Schaum's to help them succeed in the classroom and on exams.
Teaching Chemistry
- The ACS Style Guide byCall Number: QD 8.5 .A25 2006ISBN: 0841239991Publication Date: 2006-07-20In the time since the second edition of The ACS Style Guide was published, the rapid growth of electronic communication has dramatically changed the scientific, technical, and medical (STM) publication world.
- Advances in Teaching Physical Chemistry by This book brings together the latest perspectives and ideas on teaching modern physical chemistry. It includes perspectives from experienced and well-known physical chemists, a thorough review of the education literature pertaining to physical chemistry, a thorough review of advances in undergraduate laboratory experiments from the past decade, in-depth descriptions of using computers to aid student learning, and innovative ideas for teaching the fundamentals of physical chemistry. This book will provide valuable insight and information to all teachers of physical chemistry.Call Number: QD 455.5 .A38 2007ISBN: 9780841239982Publication Date: 2007
- Challenges in Chemistry Graduate Education by Chemistry graduate education is under considerable pressure. Pharmaceutical companies, long a major employer of synthetic organic chemists, are drastically paring back their research divisions to reduce costs. Chemical companies are opening new research and development facilities in Asia rather than in the United States to take advantage of growing markets and trained workforces there. Universities, especially public universities, are under significant fiscal constraints that threaten their ability to hire new faculty members. Future federal funding of chemical research may be limited as the federal budget tightens. All of these trends have major consequences for the education of chemistry graduate students in U.S. universities. To explore and respond to these intensifying pressures, the Board on Chemical Sciences and Technology held a workshop in Washington, DC, on January 23-24 2012, titled "Graduate Education in Chemistry in the Context of a Changing Environment." The workshop brought together representatives from across the chemical enterprise, representing leaders and future leaders of academia, industry, and government. The goal of the workshop was not to come to conclusions, but to have an open and frank discussion about critical issues affecting chemistry graduate education, such as the attraction and retainment of the most able students to graduate education, financial stressors on the current support model and their implications for the future model, competencies needed in the changing job market for Ph.D. chemists, and competencies needed to address societal problems such as energy and sustainability. Challenges in Chemistry Graduate Education: A Workshop Summary is organized into six chapters and summarizes the workshop on "Graduate Education in Chemistry in the Context of a Changing Environment."Call Number: QD 47 .C535 2012ISBN: 9780309257084Publication Date: 2012
- Chemistry Education: Best Practices, Opportunities and Trends byCall Number: QD 40 .C447 2015ISBN: 9783527336050Publication Date: 2015-05-04Winner of the CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title 2017 Award – This comprehensive collection of top-level contributions provides a thorough review of the vibrant field of chemistry education. Highly-experienced chemistry professors and education experts cover the latest developments in chemistry learning and teaching, as well as the pivotal role of chemistry for shaping a more sustainable future.
- Chemistry Education and Sustainability in the Global Age by This edited volume of papers from the twenty first International Conference on Chemical Education attests to our rapidly changing understanding of the chemistry itself as well as to the potentially enormous material changes in how it might be taught in the future. Covering the full range of appropriate topics, the book features work exploring themes as various as e-learning and innovations in instruction, and micro-scale lab chemistry. In sum, the 29 articles published in these pages focus the reader's attention on ways to raise the quality of chemistry teaching and learning, promoting the public understanding of chemistry, deploying innovative technology in pedagogy practice and research, and the value of chemistry as a tool for highlighting sustainability issues in the global community. Thus the ambitious dual aim achieved in these pages is on the one hand to foster improvements in the leaching and communication of chemistry--whether to students or the public, and secondly to promote advances in our broader understanding of the subject that will have positive knock-on effects on the world's citizens and environment. In doing so, the book addresses (as did the conference) the neglect suffered in the chemistry classroom by issues connected to globalization, even as it outlines ways to bring the subject alive in the classroom through the use of innovative technologies.ISBN: 9401781540Publication Date: 2015
- Essentials of Chemical Education by For everybody teaching chemistry or becoming a chemistry teacher, the authors provide a practice-oriented overview with numerous examples from current chemical education, including experiments, models and exercises as well as relevant results from research on learning and teaching. With their proven concept, the authors cover classical topics of chemical education as well as modern topics such as every-day-life chemistry, student's misconceptions, the use of media or the challenges of motivation. This is the completely revised and updated English edition of a highly successful German title.ISBN: 3642217559Publication Date: 2011
- Green Chemistry Education by Green Chemistry - a new approach to designing chemicals and chemical transformations that are beneficial for human health and the environment - is an area that continues to emerge as an important field of study. Practitioners design to be more sustainable the materials, products, and processes that are the basis of our technologically advanced society and economy. Molecular designers are seeing new performance capabilities in the products, new efficiencies in the processes, and achievements in meeting the goals for protecting human health and the environment in a profitable way. Educators have recognized that Green Chemistry principles and practice have not been a part of traditional training in chemistry, and are not part of the skill sets of most practicing chemists. Leaders in Green Chemistry education have developed a wide range of new approaches, courses, tools, and materials that have been introduced and demonstrated in the chemistry curriculum in colleges and universities around the U.S. This ACS Symposium Series Book collects the current research and advances in the field of green chemistry, with an emphasis on providing educators with the knowledge and tools needed to incorporate recent information about this field into the chemistry curriculum. This volume is an outstanding resource for any chemical educator wishing to deepen, broaden, or begin the inclusion of green principles and practices into their teaching or research. Given the current interest in green chemistry, this timely book provides an invaluable snapshot of green chemistry education, highlighting best practices from the first decade of greening the chemistry curriculum.ISBN: 0841274479Publication Date: 2009
- A Short Guide to Writing about Chemistry byCall Number: QD 8.5 .D38 2010ISBN: 0205550606Publication Date: 2009-12-15This writing guide, by the author of Pearson's best-selling Short Guide to Writing about Biology along with two well-known chemists, teaches students to think as chemists and to express ideas clearly and concisely through their writing.
- Transforming University Biochemistry Teaching Using Collaborative Learning and Technology by One aim of Gilmer's captivating text on university pedagogy is to show that biochemistry (or any science) does not consist solely of facts to be learned, but is a way of thinking about the world. Her purpose, both in this book and in her classroom, is to make her students into critical thinkers rather than passive learners. The chapters cast a critical eye over research into enhanced education techniques such as collaborative learning. Gilmer describes the action research she conducted in her own biochemistry undergraduate classroom into ways of improving the learning environment. She offers various perspectives on the make-up of her classroom, including an analysis of ethnographic data. The tools Gilmer employs as she hones her teaching skills include collaborative learning and technology. She views the classroom through various theoretical perspectives: social constructivism, cultural-historical activity theory, and a theory that involves the dialectic between the structure of the learning environment and the agency of the learners (a group among whom she includes herself). She provides a wealth of autobiographical detail as well as the results of her action research, which followed up on its original subjects after an interval of 11 years, to see what impact her course had on their professional growth. Above all, this volume is proof of what can be achieved in education when teachers are as interested in the process of learning as they are in their subject itself.ISBN: 1402049803Publication Date: 2010