Browsing the Stacks
Most books held by University Libraries are organized according to the Library of Congress classification system. Below are some Library of Congress call number ranges for subjects related to Classics. This may be useful if you want to browse the stacks.
DE1-100 History of the Greco-Roman World
DF10-951 History of Greece
DG11-980.2 History of Italy
PA1-199 Classical philology
PA201-899 Greek philology and language
PA2001-2915 Latin philology and language
PA3000-3049 Classical literature
PA3050-4505 Greek literature to ca. 600 AD
PA6000-6971 Roman literature
Online Catalogs
Use the Local Catalog to find print and e-books, audio-visual material, streaming content, and journals held by OU Libraries. Use WorldCat to find materials held by libraries around the world. The library can often borrow materials from other libraries using Interlibrary Loan (ILL).
Loeb Classical Library
The Loeb Classical Library online provides access to English translations of important Greek and Latin texts. It can be searched or browsed.
Access to this resource has been underwritten by the Department of Classics and Letters.