Registration Forms & Event Searching
Detailed Workflow for Creating Registration Forms
To add a customized registration form for an event, follow these steps PRIOR to creating the event listing:
- Go to
- Login with your LibApps login information.
- Click on Calendar in the orange menu.
- Click on Registration Forms on the Calendar page.
- Click on the Create New Form button.
- Input the title you want for your new form.
- Select the identification methods that should be included on the registration form.
- Full Name will always be a required field no matter what.
- Identification Help Area is where you would put instructions to event registrants about the required fields vs. the optional fields.
- Email is strongly recommend as required field.
- Without including an email address, event registrants will not receive email confirmations and updates and will not be able to self-cancel their event registration.
- Use Email as the Email Address Label.
- Email Help Area is where you would add text to help event registrants understand what to include.
- If you would like the events registrants to include a phone number during event registration, then you'll need to select Enable next to Phone Number.
- If you've enabled Phone Number, use Phone as the Phone Number Label.
- Leave Library Barcode as disabled.
- Click on Save.
- Use the Questions section to create additional questions for the registration form. Questions you add here will display after the identity fields. A maximum of 20 questions are allowed.
- Click on the Add Question button.
- Input the Question Text in the Question Text box.
- Select the type of answer the event registrant will provide:
- Radio buttons
- Check boxes
- Drop-down
- Single-line text
- Multi-line text
- Remote data source drop-down.
- For Radio buttons, Check boxes, Drop-down,
- Select if the question is required on the form or not;
- Then input the possible Selections event registrants will choose from;
- Click on Add Question.
- For Single-line text and Multi-line text,
- Select if the question is required on the form or not
- Then click on Add Question.
- You'll be able to see a Live Preview of the registration form on the right side of the page.
- If you are satisfied with your new registration form, then you'll repeat steps 1-10 on the Event Organizer tab and then choose the new registration form from the Event Registration drop-down option on the OU Libraries Events Template.
Registration Form Results
To find the results from the registration form for your event, follow these steps:
- Click on the Event Explorer link for the calendar your event is listed on.
- On the Event Explorer page:
- set your date parameters;
- select your name from the Event Organizer dropdown;
- select Yes for the Show Registration Responses.
- When the event details pull up, click on Show in the Registration Enabled column.
- Now you’ll see the registration form results for your event.
Events Explorer
You'll be able to find all the events an event organizer submitted on a particular calendar, by using the calendar's Event Explorer page.
- Events Explorer for 339Use this link to search for any event held in 339.
- Events Explorer for GeneralUse this link to search for any event NOT held in 339, LL118, LL123, LL121E, Learning Lab Classroom, and the Library MakerSpace.
- Events Explorer for the Learning Lab ClassroomUse this link to search for any event held in the Learning Lab Classroom.
- Events Explorer for Library MakerSpaceUse this link to search for any event held in the Library MakerSpace.
- Events Explorer for LL118Use this link to search for any event held in LL118.
- Events Explorer for LL121EUse this link to search for any event held in LL121E.
- Events Explorer for LL123Use this link to search for any event held in LL123.