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Registration Forms & Event Searching

Detailed Workflow for Creating Registration Forms

To add a customized registration form for an event, follow these steps PRIOR to creating the event listing:

  1. Go to
    1. Login with your LibApps login information.
  2. Click on Calendar in the orange menu.
  3. Click on Registration Forms on the Calendar page. 
  4. Click on the Create New Form button. 
  5. Input the title you want for your new form. 
  6. Select the identification methods that should be included on the registration form. 
    1. Full Name will always be a required field no matter what.
    2. Identification Help Area is where you would put instructions to event registrants about the required fields vs. the optional fields. 
    3.  Email is strongly recommend as required field.
      1.  Without including an email address, event registrants will not receive email confirmations and updates and will not be able to self-cancel their event registration.
    4. Use Email as the Email Address Label
    5. Email Help Area is where you would add text to help event registrants understand what to include. 
    6. If you would like the events registrants to include a phone number during event registration, then you'll need to select Enable next to Phone Number.
    7. If you've enabled Phone Number, use Phone as the Phone Number Label.
    8. Leave Library Barcode as disabled.
    9. Click on Save.
  7. Use the Questions section to create additional questions for the registration form. Questions you add here will display after the identity fields. A maximum of 20 questions are allowed.
    1. Click on the Add Question button. 
    2. Input the Question Text in the Question Text box. 
    3. Select the type of answer the event registrant will provide:
      1. Radio buttons
      2. Check boxes
      3. Drop-down
      4. Single-line text
      5. Multi-line text 
      6. Remote data source drop-down.
    4. For Radio buttonsCheck boxesDrop-down,
      1. Select if the question is required on the form or not;
      2. Then input the possible Selections event registrants will choose from;
      3. Click on Add Question
    5. For Single-line text and Multi-line text,
      1. Select if the question is required on the form or not
      2. Then click on Add Question
  8. You'll be able to see a Live Preview of the registration form on the right side of the page. 
  9. If you are satisfied with your new registration form, then you'll repeat steps 1-10 on the Event Organizer tab and then choose the new registration form from the Event Registration drop-down option on the OU Libraries Events Template.

Registration Form Results

To find the results from the registration form for your event, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Event Explorer link for the calendar your event is listed on.
  2. On the Event Explorer page: 
    1. set your date parameters;
    2. select your name from the Event Organizer dropdown;
    3. select Yes for the Show Registration Responses.
  3. When the event details pull up, click on Show in the Registration Enabled column.
  4. Now you’ll see the registration form results for your event.

Events Explorer

You'll be able to find all the events an event organizer submitted on a particular calendar, by using the calendar's Event Explorer page.