
The Tin Drim
Die Blechtrommel von Günter Grass (1959). Jacket art by the author.

The Lulu Plays
Lulu: Erdgeist (Earth Spirit) (1898) and Die Büchse der Pandora (Pandora's Box) (1904) von Frank Wedekind

Wings of Desire
from Wings of Desire (1987), dir. Wim Wenders
Online Catalogs
Use the Local Catalog to find print and e-books, audio-visual material, streaming content, and journals held by OU Libraries. Use WorldCat to find materials held by libraries around the world. The library can often borrow materials from other libraries using Interlibrary Loan (ILL).
Finding Books in German
Local Catalog uses facets to help you refine your search by a number of factors. You may find it useful to start your search broadly, and then narrow down using the Subjects on the left.
HINT: When searching by SUBJECT, use English, even if you want results in German. (We catalog in English.) When searching by keyword (i.e., ANY), try both English and German. To find all of the library's holdings in German, enter "German" as your search term and change the Language option to German.