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Learning Lab Classroom

Learning Lab Classroom

This is a new area for classes to meet. It is located towards the back of the Learning Lab, and we are now responsible for setting up events here. ​

Use Policy

  • The Library Instruction Program receives priority in the use of the Learning Lab Classroom.
  • The room may be reserved for one-time use by instructors and groups, with priority given to instructional use and to those needing the technology in the room to enhance the class or meeting.
  • When not reserved, the classroom space will be open as an additional study space for students. 

The Librarian Information page has more information about the classroom.

Floor Map

For Learning Lab Classroom location directions, librarians can send this floor map of lower level 1 to the instructors and students.

Setting Up the Classroom

  1. Go visit the event calendar to see how many laptops are needed, as well as any requests that the instructor has.
  2. Clear the classroom of any students not in the class. Set up at least thirty minutes early; students and professors typically arrive early.
  3. Push in all chairs and clean tables and whiteboards.
  4. Get needed laptops out of the closet, open and unlock them.
    • Username: hclc
    • Password: 123
  5. Help the instructor attach any device that is being used to teach and provide assistance in the classroom until they are ready to begin.

Learning Lab Classroom Set Up Option A

Classroom style set up. Option A has room in the back to roll in 2 tables and 4 chairs from the HCLC Community Room if a class has more than 24 students.   

Learning Lab Classroom Option B

Pod style set up. This will be the default set up for the Learning Lab Classroom. If you don't specify a set up option on the Learning Lab Classroom calendar, then the Outreach students will leave the classroom set up as Option B.   

Additional Information

**Connections in the Classroom include: HDMI, VGA, Ethernet, and Mini DisplayPort.**

  • The laptops will need a Library Call Locations card (color will vary).
  • If there are no directions listed in the event:  place out 20 computers as seen below (pens are no longer required at each computer)
  • If there are additional needs (tables for catering, help with video conferencing, etc.) attend to them. 

A Sample Computer Setup Should Look Like This: 

This includes the computer logged in, Firefox loaded and displaying the website.

Between Classes:

  1. Push in chairs.
  2. Make sure all computers are starting with the page and have no other applications open.
  3. Make sure all computers have a call card and worksheet next to them.

After All Classes Have Ended:

  1. Put away all laptops back in the laptop cart and then lock the cart.
  2. Turn off projector.
  3. Push in all chairs and make sure all tables are clean.
    1. If classroom was set up for Option A, rearrange the table and chairs to Option B.
  4. Write Open Study times on the whiteboards by the door and open doors.

*** If we run out of the pens or call cards, contact Courtney.


The area is stocked with a cart of computers and a podium. These don't live in any closet, so both are locked when not in use (rover keychain has keys - small silver keys with red nail polish). 


  • There are 25 re-purposed Mac laptops that came from LL123 that can be set up for library instruction in the Learning Lab Classroom.
    • Eric said that LL123 has 30 Dell laptops, and that the leftover can be used in the Learning Lab Classroom if the class is bigger than 25.
  • The laptops are stored in a lockable laptop cart.

Instructor Podium


More info coming from Jared's team.

Connecting to Projector via ClickShare on a PC

The dongle for the ClickShare system are in the laptop cart. They should be sitting in a white magnetic holder on the inside of the door.

  1. Plug the USB dongle into the laptop (the dongle should have flashing white ring).
  2. Open File Explorer.
  3. Click on ClickShare.
  4. Click on ClickShare_for_Windows.
  5. Wait for the app to load (the dongle should show a solid white ring). 
  6. Click the large silver button on the USB dongle (the dongle should light up red).

Your computer should now be showing on the TV.

The handout below lists the steps with screenshots.

Connecting to Projector via ClickShare on a Mac

The dongle for the ClickShare system are in the laptop cart. They should be sitting in a white magnetic holder on the inside of the door.

  1. Plug the USB dongle into the laptop (the dongle should have flashing white ring).
  2. Click on the ClickShare icon on your desktop.
  3. Click on ClickShare_for_MacOSX.
  4. Wait for the app to load (the dongle should show a solid white ring). 
  5. Click the large silver button on the USB dongle (the dongle should light up red).

Your computer should now be showing on the TV.

The handout below lists the steps with screenshots.