Typography Reference
Starting with Heading 2, since Heading 1 will never be used in boxes.
Heading 2
This style should only be used for floating box titles, as described in the Boxes section.
Heading 3
This is the first heading style that should be applied in normal boxes. It should only be used after a heading level 2 in floating boxes.
Heading 4
Heading level 4 should only be used after heading level 3.
Heading 5
Heading level 5 should only be used after heading level 4.
Heading 6
Heading level 6 should only be used after heading level 5.
Special Container
- Marker (notice no current change from default font)
- Small (use with caution)
Computer Code
- Keyboard Phrase
- Sample Text
- Variable
Deleted Text- Inserted Text
- Cited Work
Inline Quotation
Strikethrough Text
Link: OU Libraries
Ordered (Numbered) List
- Item
- Item
- Item
- Item
- Item
- Item
- Item
- Item
- Item
- Item
- Item
- Item
- Item
- Item
Unordered List
- Item
- Item
- Item
- Item
- Item
- Item
- Item
- Item
Color | Number | Random Word | State |
Red | 5 | Eloquent | Oklahoma |
Blue | 235 | Elephant | Texas |
Green | 8 | Documentary | California |
Blue | 45 | Cat | Wyoming |
You can't believe everything you read on the internet.
Code Block
<p>You can't believe everything you read on the internet.</p>
<figcaption>- Abraham Lincoln, <cite>This Random Book I Made Up</cite></figcaption>
Tabbed Box
- Blue
- Green
- Red
- Circle
- Square
- Hexagon
- 12
- Twelve