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Brian McCall

Orpha and Maurice Merrill Professor of Law


Learning from Mistakes
Learning from Mistakes: A Quantitative Comparative Study of Court Decisions Involving the Excuse of Contractual Mistake (forthcoming)
Florida State Law Review (2025)
Learning from Mistakes: A Quantitative Comparative Study of Court Decisions Involving the Excuse of Contractual Mistake (forthcoming), Florida State L. Rev. (2025).
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When Federal Law Goes Unnoticed: Assessing the Cisg's Applicability Across U.S. Courts Based on An Empirical Research of Decisions From 1988 To 2020
When Federal Law Goes Unnoticed: Assessing the CISG's Applicability Across U.S. Courts Based on An Empirical Research of Decisions From 1988 To 2020
American Business Law Journal (2023)
Carolina Arlota & Brian McCall, When Federal Law Goes Unnoticed: Assessing the Cisg's Applicability Across U.S. Courts Based on An Empirical Research of Decisions From 1988 To 2020, 60 Am. Bus. L.J. 541 (2023).

How El Salvador Has Changed U.S. Law By A Bit: The Consequences for The UCC Of Bitcoin Becoming Legal Tender
How El Salvador Has Changed U.S. Law By A Bit: The Consequences for The UCC Of Bitcoin Becoming Legal Tender
Oklahoma Law Review (2022)
Brian M. McCall, How El Salvador Has Changed U.S. Law By A Bit: The Consequences for The UCC Of Bitcoin Becoming Legal Tender, 74 Okla. L. Rev. 313 (2022).
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Beyond The Narrow Harvard Model of Legal Education: Restoring Legal Education According to The Proposals of Valentin Tomberg
Beyond The Narrow Harvard Model of Legal Education: Restoring Legal Education According to The Proposals of Valentin Tomberg
University of Dayton Law Review (2022)
Brian M. McCall, Beyond The Narrow Harvard Model of Legal Education: Restoring Legal Education According to The Proposals of Valentin Tomberg, 48 U. Dayton L. Rev. 1 (2022).
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Demystifying Unconscionability: A Historical and Empirical Analysis
Demystifying Unconscionability: A Historical and Empirical Analysis
Villanova Law Review (2020)
Brian M. McCall, Demystifying Unconscionability: A Historical and Empirical Analysis, 65 Vill. L. Rev. 773 (2020).
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What Good is John Finnis?
What Good is John Finnis?
Persona y Derecho (2020)
Brian M. McCall, What Good is John Finnis?, 83 Persona y Derecho 637 (2020).
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Why It Is Good to Stop at A Red Light: The Basis of Authority and Obligation
Why It Is Good to Stop at A Red Light: The Basis of Authority and Obligation
Journal of Catholic Legal Studies (2016)
Brian McCall, Why It Is Good to Stop at A Red Light: The Basis of Authority and Obligation, 55 J. Cath. Legal Stud. 83 (2016).
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Gambling On Our Financial Future: How the Federal Government Fiddles While State Common Law Is a Safer Bet to Prevent Another Financial Collapse
Gambling On Our Financial Future: How the Federal Government Fiddles While State Common Law Is a Safer Bet to Prevent Another Financial Collapse
Arizona State Law Journal (2014)
Brian M. McCall, Gambling On Our Financial Future: How the Federal Government Fiddles While State Common Law Is a Safer Bet to Prevent Another Financial Collapse, 46 Ariz. St. L.J. 1347 (2014).
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Decorating The Structure: The Art of Making Human Law
Decorating The Structure: The Art of Making Human Law
Journal of Catholic Legal Studies (2014)
Brian M. McCall, Decorating The Structure: The Art of Making Human Law, 53 J. Cath. Legal Stud. 23 (2014).
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Can A Pluralistic Commonwealth Endure?: The Political Problem Of Religious Pluralism And Why Philosophers Can't Solve It. By Thaddeus J. Kozinski
Can A Pluralistic Commonwealth Endure?: The Political Problem Of Religious Pluralism And Why Philosophers Can't Solve It. By Thaddeus J. Kozinski
Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy (2013)
Brian M. McCall, Can A Pluralistic Commonwealth Endure?: The Political Problem Of Religious Pluralism And Why Philosophers Can't Solve It. By Thaddeus J. Kozinski, 11 Geo. J. L. & Pub. Pol'y 45 (2013).
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The Corporation as Imperfect Society
The Corporation as Imperfect Society
Delaware Journal of Corporate Law (2011)
Brian M. McCall, The Corporation as Imperfect Society, 36 Del. J. Corp. L. 509 (2011).
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Consulting The Architect When Problems Arise--The Divine Law
Consulting The Architect When Problems Arise--The Divine Law
Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy (2011)
Brian M. McCall, Consulting The Architect When Problems Arise--The Divine Law, 9 Geo. J. L. & Pub. Pol'y 103 (2011).
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Learning From Our History: Evaluating the Modern Housing Finance Market in Light of Ancient Principles of Justice
Learning From Our History: Evaluating the Modern Housing Finance Market in Light of Ancient Principles of Justice
South Carolina Law Review (2009)
Brian M. McCall, Learning From Our History: Evaluating the Modern Housing Finance Market in Light of Ancient Principles of Justice, 60 S.C. L. Rev. 707 (2009).
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It's Just Secured Credit! The Natural Law Case in Defense of Some Forms of Secured Credit
It's Just Secured Credit! The Natural Law Case in Defense of Some Forms of Secured Credit
Indiana Law Review (2009)
Brian M. McCall, It's Just Secured Credit! The Natural Law Case in Defense of Some Forms of Secured Credit, 43 Ind. L. Rev. 7 (2009).
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Exploring the Foundations of Dworkin's Empire
Exploring the Foundations of Dworkin's Empire
Brian M. McCall, Exploring the Foundations of Dworkin's Empire, (2009).
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Unprofitable Lending: Modern Credit Regulation and the Lost Theory of Usury
Unprofitable Lending: Modern Credit Regulation and the Lost Theory of Usury
Cardozo Law Review (2008)
Brian M. McCall, Unprofitable Lending: Modern Credit Regulation and the Lost Theory of Usury, 30 Cardozo L. Rev. 549 (2008).
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Money, Money Everywhere but not a Drop to Secure:  A Proposal for Amending the Perfection Rules for Security Interests in Money and Deposit Accounts
Money, Money Everywhere but not a Drop to Secure: A Proposal for Amending the Perfection Rules for Security Interests in Money and Deposit Accounts
Tennessee Law Review (2007)
Brian M. McCall, Money, Money Everywhere but not a Drop to Secure: A Proposal for Amending the Perfection Rules for Security Interests in Money and Deposit Accounts, 74 Tennessee L. Rev. 669 (2007).
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Benefit Corporations and the Common Law Tradition

Brian M. McCall
Chapter in The International Handbook of Social Enterprise Law: Benefit Corporations and Other Purpose-Driven Companies (Springer, 2023)
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Contracts Modern Pacts Vol. 2: A Multimedia Textbook for the Study of the Law of Contracts 

Brian McCall
Kindle, 2022
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Contracts Modern Pacts Supplement: A Multimedia Textbook for the Study of the Law of Contracts

Brian McCall
Kindle, 2022
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Contracts: Modern Pacts: A Multimedia Textbook for the Study of the Law of Contracts

Brian McCall
Kindle, 2019
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The Church and the Usurers: Unprofitable Lending for the Modern Economy, 2d Ed.

Brian McCall
Sapientia Press of Ave Maria University , 2019
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The Architecture of Law: Rebuilding Law in the Classical Tradition

Brian McCall
Notre Dame Press, 2018
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The New Protestant Bargain: The Influence of Protestant Theology on Contract and Property Law

Brian McCall
Chapter in Luther and His Progeny: 500 Years of Protestantism and Its Consequences for Church, State, and Society (Angelus Press, 2017)
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Corporations, Politics and the Common Good

Brian McCall
Chapter in The Challenges of Capitalism for Virtue Ethics and the Common Good (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2016)
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El nuevo pacto protestante: la influencia de la teología protestante en el derecho de bienes y contratos

Brian McCall
Chapter in Las Consecuencias Politico-Juridicas del Protestantismo a los Quinientos Anos de Lutero (Marcial Pons, 2016)
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Marriage, Nature and Law

Brian McCall
Chapter in De Matrimonio (Marcial Pons, 2015)
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La Corporación Como Sociedad Imperfecta 

Brian McCall
Marcial Pons, 2015
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To Build the city of God:  Living as Catholics in a Secular Age 

Brian McCall
Angelico Press, 2014
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It is Just Price: Entender Los Males Económicos Modernos a La Luz de La Doctrina Social Católica

Brian McCall
Chapter in Utrumque ius: Derecho, derecho natural y derecho canónico (Marcial Pons, 2014)
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The Church and the Usurers: Unprofitable Lending for the Modern Economy

Brian McCall
Sapientia Press of Ave Maria University, 2013
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Book Chapters

Justiça e as Causas do Direito, As Vertudes e Direito (forthcoming)
Developing Distinctions of Classical Principles for Modern Constitutions: Integralism: A Manual of Political Philosophy by Fr. Thomas Crean and Alan Fimister
Developing Distinctions of Classical Principles for Modern Constitutions: Integralism: A Manual of Political Philosophy by Fr. Thomas Crean and Alan Fimister
Studia Gilsoniana (2021)
Brian M. McCall, Developing Distinctions of Classical Principles for Modern Constitutions: Integralism: A Manual of Political Philosophy by Fr. Thomas Crean and Alan Fimister, 10 Studia Gilsoniana 455 (2021).
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Entender los males economómicos modernos a la luz de la doctrina social Cátolica
Entender los males economómicos modernos a la luz de la doctrina social Cátolica
VERBO (2014)
Brian M. McCall, Entender los males economómicos modernos a la luz de la doctrina social Cátolica, 52 VERBO 487 (2014).

VERBO (2013)
Brian M. McCall, REDIMIR NUESTRO FUTURO, 51 VERBO 817 (2013).
Available at:

The Architecture of Law: Building Law on a Solid Foundation, the Eternal and Natural Law
The Architecture of Law: Building Law on a Solid Foundation, the Eternal and Natural Law
Vera Lex (2009)
Brian M. McCall, The Architecture of Law: Building Law on a Solid Foundation, the Eternal and Natural Law, 10 Vera Lex 47 (2009).