See also the Film and Media Studies and the Audio and Video Resources at OU guides.
- ARTstor (JSTOR)Repository of over two million images that include collections from a wide variety of civilizations, time-periods, and media. The images are drawn from different sources, such as museums, archaeological teams, photo archives, slide collections, and art reference publishers.
- CC Search: Creative CommonsSearch engine to find freely available images.
- Collections Database, Division of Anthropology, American Museum of Natural HistoryOver 200,000 objects from the Americas, Africa, Europe, Asia, and the Pacific Islands have been digitally imaged and are accessible through this website.
- Digital Archaeological RecordInternational digital repository for the digital records of archaeological investigations. Registered users (registration is free) may download and bookmark resources.
- Library of Congress - Prints and PhotographsDigitized photographs, fine and popular prints and drawings, posters, and architectural and engineering drawings.
- National Gallery of Art ImagesSearch, browse, share, and download images from the collection of the National Gallery of Art. More than 35,000 open access digital images up to 3000 pixels each are available free of charge for download and use.
- New York Public Library Digital CollectionsFeatures prints, photographs, maps, manuscripts, streaming video, and more.
- Peabody Museum Collections OnlineAccess to object records and associated digital media records.
- Smithsonian Open AccessDigital assets that are created, stored, or maintained by the Smithsonian. This might include text, still images, sound recordings, research datasets, 3D models, collections data, and more.
- Visual Resources from Indigenous Histories and Cultures in North America DatabaseIncludes image galleries, online exhibitions, and art features.