Professor Joyce Palomar served as Kenneth E. McAfee Chair in Law and a Presidential Professor. She has taught as John F. Lehmann Distinguished Visiting Professor at Washington University School of Law and as a Fulbright Professor at Beihang University Law School in Beijing and at East China University of Political Science & Law in Shanghai. In 2006, Palomar received the University of Oklahoma Merrick Foundation Teaching Award. In 2011, Prof. Palomar brought the Chinese Law Summer Program to the OU College of Law.
Professor Palomar is author of the two-volume treatise, Title Insurance Law (1994 Thomson*West) and the four-volume treatise, Patton & Palomar on Land Titles, 3rd ed. (2003 Thomson*West). She is co-author of the casebook, Property, Cases and Statutes, 2nd ed. (2009 Carolina Academic Press). She also has published numerous articles on the subject of land tenure security, land title assurance, and real property law, most recently in Duke Journal of Comparative & International Law and William and Mary Law Review.
Academic conferences at which Palomar has spoken include the Mercatus Center Conference on Building Market Institutions: Property Rights, Business Formalization and Economic Development at George Mason University Law School; the Conference on Property Rights and Economic Development sponsored by College of William and Mary; the Working Group on Property, Citizenship, and Social Entrepreneurism; the Thomas F. Gallivan Conference on Real Property Law at the University of Connecticut School of Law; the Sino-American Forum on Chinese Property Law at Tsinghua University; and the Chinese Property Law Conference at Beijing University.
Professor Palomar also presented her research on land tenure security in emerging economies at a seminar at the World Bank. She testified at a Federal Trade Commission public hearing on barriers to electronic commerce of real estate. She frequently has lectured at conferences sponsored by the American College of Real Estate Lawyers, American College of Mortgage Attorneys, American Law Institute, American Bar Association, and several state bar associations. Palomar is a member of the American College of Real Estate Lawyers and American College of Mortgage Attorneys.
B.S., with Honors, University of Nebraska, 1975
M.A., University of Nebraska, 1977
J.D., with Distinction, University of Nebraska, 1986