Introduction to College Research (Ebook)
- Introduction to College ResearchOpen Educational Resources (free!) textbook on how to do research at a college level.
Research Methods Help
- SAGE Research MethodsA cross-disciplinary research methods tool that guides users through every step of the research process using different research methods (quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods). Note: library only subscribes to the core collection.
- TIP: See Research Tools (top of page)
- > Methods Map for key terminology.
- > Project Planner for a guide to your research project.
Guides to Using Proquest Databases
See this detailed research guide for using Proquest databases such as Worldwide Political Science Abstracts and PAIS.
How to Use EBSCO Databases (Link to Videos)
Videos on using EBSCO. (Academic Search Complete and Historical Abstracts are both EBSCO databases.)