Historians on Steinbeck
Morris Dickstein, "Steinbeck Country," in Dickstein Dancing in the Dark: A Cultural History of the Great Depression (New York: Norton, 2009), 70-80. Call Number: E 806 .D57 2009. (Online version requires creating a user name and password.)
James R. Swenson, "Displaying Grapes and Wrath," in Swenson Picturing Migrants: The Grapes of Wrath and New Deal Documentary Photography (Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 2015), 139-156; 219-222 (notes). Call Number: PS 3537 .T3234 G893 2015 and online.
David Wrobel, "The Grapes of Wrath: Views from the University of Oklahoma," Steinbeck Now (March 2014).
David Wrobel, "Layers of Regionalism and Social Protest in John Steinbeck's 'Years of Greatness,' 1936-1939," in Michael C. Steiner, ed., Regionalists on the Left: Radical Voices from the American West (Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 2013), 327-351. Call Number: F 595 .R375 2013.