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SHAREOK is the institutional repository shared by Oklahoma higher education institutions and serves as home to the intellectual output of Oklahoma's higher education communities. Items in SHAREOK include digital dissertations and theses, faculty publications, open educational resources, unique departmental or institutional resources, and more. 

Why Should I Contribute My Work to SHAREOK?

  • SHAREOK provides open access to the research and creative output from the University of Oklahoma.

  • SHAREOK increases the reach and impact of your work by making it available from web search engines to a global audience.

  • SHAREOK securely preserves your work and makes it easier to share with colleagues or collaborators via a permanent URL. 

  • SHAREOK is great for sharing content that is not typically found elsewhere, such as conference proceedings, educational materials, technical reports, working papers, and other materials that are not typically published in traditional venues.

  • SHAREOK tracks access and download statistics to demonstrate how often your work is being used by fellow researchers.

  • SHAREOK isn’t limited by medium - you can store images, videos, and other types of multimedia content.

  • Contributing your work to SHAREOK can fulfill funding agency requirements to make your work openly accessible.