Submission Guidelines
Below are general guidelines for submitting to SHAREOK.
To Submit your work to SHAREOK:
- Login to SHAREOK with your OUNetID.
- Select the collection to which you wish to contribute.
- Fill out all the information on the provided form; the more keywords you assign, the more likely your work is to be discovered.
- Review your item.
- Upload your files.
- Agree to the license.
- Your submission is complete; you should receive an email confirmation.
- Your submission will be made publicly available after it has been reviewed for completeness; its metadata may also be enhanced to improve discoverability. Edits to the submission may by contacting us using the appropriate form on the SHAREOK contact page.
Who Can Contribute to SHAREOK?
Faculty, graduate students, staff, and other individuals or entities associated with OU having an OUNetID may contribute to SHAREOK. Undergraduate students may contribute their work if sponsored by an OU faculty member. Authors of resources that are co-authored by individuals at other institutions should consult with their co-authors before submitting work to SHAREOK.
If you are unsure if you can contribute, contact us at
What Can be Contributed to SHAREOK?
Any type of scholarly material that you would like to share with the world may be submitted to SHAREOK, including educational, pedagogical, or research-oriented work. Examples of appropriate materials include: preprints and post prints of journal articles, published articles where the publisher allows deposit in an institutional repository, working papers, technical reports, conference papers and posters, and multimedia. University of Oklahoma Libraries reserves the right to remove content that violates university policy or applicable law.
File Types
SHAREOK can accept almost any electronic file format, but we recommend depositing supported or known formats (i.e. formats that are either public and open or formats that are widely used). The only restriction is that SHAREOK cannot currently stream video. Video files can be placed in SHAREOK, but to view them a user would need to download a copy of the file. If a video file is in SHAREOK, we can also link to YouTube, Vimeo, or another video hosting site so that a user could view the video before deciding to download the file.
Who Has Access to SHAREOK Resources?
Most items in SHAREOK can be freely accessed by anyone with an internet connection. This allows OU scholarship to be a vital part of a global research network, accelerating the rate of collaboration between scholars internationally, and in turn, providing a greater level of impact for the work created by OU affiliates. Usage statistics (which can be accessed from the repository) confirm that the open access provided by SHAREOK elevates its visibility to a global audience. For more information about accessing usage statistics, please contact
Withdrawals and Embargoes
University of Oklahoma librarians strive to provide persistent access to all deposited items, even in the event that the author leaves OU. Therefore, items can not generally be removed. However, it may become necessary under some circumstances to withdraw items from SHAREOK. Triggers for withdrawal may include discovery of a copyright violation, ethical concerns, or research conducted in conflict with approved IRB protocols. Withdrawals may be initiated by the depositor or, in the case of a copyright violation, an internal or external entity. All such transactions will be traced in the form of a note within SHAREOK. If you need to make a withdrawal request, please email us at
If needed, SHAREOK can support embargoes/delayed publication for both published articles and for theses and dissertations. If you are a graduate student and need to embargo your thesis or dissertation, speak to your major advisor for more information.