Interesting websites
- Long-Distance Trade in Medieval Europebecause of its dynamic nature, long-distance trade played a more important role in economic development in the medieval economy
- Measuring WorthThe worth of monetary transactions is difficult to measure. While a price, wage, or other kind of transaction can be recorded at a precise point in time, the worth of the amount must be interpreted.
- Medieval EconomyIn the middle ages, trade was a major driver of economic activity. The medieval economy, a complex system that influenced every aspect of life during this period. From the bustling trade routes to the intricate tax systems, the economy was a crucial driver of the societal and cultural transformation of the Middle Ages.
- Smithsonian InstitutionThe increase and diffusion of knowledge through unparalleled collections and research capabilities and the insight and creativity we foster through art, history, and culture,
- World History EncyclopediaA non-profit organization publishing the world's most-read history encyclopedia to engage people with cultural heritage and to improve history education worldwide.
Trade route maps
- Detailed map of medieval trade routesThis map is the most detailed map of Medieval Trade Routes in Europe, Asia and Africa in the 11th and 12th centuries you can find online. It includes major and minor locations, major and minor routes, sea routes, canals and roads.