Databases for Interdisciplinary Research
- EBSCO CollectionSelect several databases to search at the same time. [Note: Selecting ALL of the databases is NOT a good idea!] You can also limit your search results to different types of publications, such as scholarly (peer-reviewed) journals.
Here are just a few of the subject databases in EBSCO Collection:
* Academic Search Complete (Always include this one!)
* America: History & Life (U.S. History)
* Business Source Elite
* Communication Source (Communication, Mass Media, etc.)
* ERIC (Education)
* GreenFILE (Environment)
* Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition
* Historical Abstracts (World History)
* Legal Collection
* Military & Government Collection
* SocINDEX (Sociology)
+ many more to choose from! - Google ScholarSearch Google Scholar from this Guide or through the library's website. Look for "Check OU Access" or "OU Link to Article" links to access articles online via the library's journal subscriptions. NOTE: Google Scholar indexes many types of materials that are NOT scholarly or peer-reviewed, so carefully evaluate everything you find. Use Google Scholar to supplement your database searching.
- ABI/INFORM (Proquest One Business)Focus is on business and management topics, but includes many other subjects as well. References to or full text of journal, magazine, and newspaper articles, books, videos, company reports, and more.
- PsycINFOPsycINFO is the comprehensive index for Psychology and related subjects, such as Communication, Educational Psychology, Personality, Neuroscience, Personnel Management, Sports Psychology, and more!
- JSTORJSTOR is an archival storage database for some scholarly journals. Note: Only about 5-6% (yes, that's five to six percent) of the e-journals subscribed to by the OU Libraries are stored in JSTOR. To improve your search results, use the Advanced Search option and limit the search to Articles only.
- Web of ScienceWeb of Science is a multidisciplinary index covering topics in the sciences, social sciences, and humanities.
Finding the Links to Articles
- Guide to finding articles online or requesting them via Interlibrary LoanDon't pay to access journal articles that you can most likely get through the OU Library's journal and database subscriptions or Interlibrary Loan!