Reference Websites
- Angiosperm Phylogeny WebsiteThis website offers phylogenetic information and also serves as a general reference guide to plant families. While the website focuses on angiosperms, there is some coverage of all land plants.
- The International Plant Names IndexThe International Plant Names Index (IPNI) is a database of the names and associated primary source citations of seed plants, ferns, and lycophytes.
- TropicosDatabase of plant names. Records include images, botanical specimens information, and citations to the primary literature.
- Index HerbariorumDatabase of herbaria collections. Entries include acronym, physical location, URL, contents (e.g., number and type of specimens), founding date, as well as names, contact information, and areas of expertise of associated staff.
Suggested Databases
- Web of ScienceMultidisciplinary database covering sciences, social science, and humanities.
- Natural Science CollectionSearches multiple databases in the following science areas: Agricultural, aquatic, atmospheric, biological, earth and environmental.
- JSTORProvides access to journals in African-American Studies, Anthropology, Asian Studies, Ecology, Economics, Education, Finance, General Science, History, Literature, Mathematics, Philosophy, Political Science, Population Studies, Sociology, Statistics. It is a digitized archive of the backfiles of selected scholarly journals. Full text available.
- Google ScholarGoogle Scholar enables you to search for literature, including peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, preprints, abstracts, and technical reports from all broad areas of research. However, it indexes these items automatically and you should take care to verify the scholarly nature of items you find. Additionally, sometimes the OU Article Linker does not work correctly from Google Scholar results; in those cases take the title, journal, or authors and search in a database from the Libraries website.
- FirstSearch CollectionA list of databases available from FirstSearch on various subjects, including AnthropologyPlus, ArticleFirst, ClasePeriodica, Ebooks, ECO (Electronic Collections Online), ERIC, GEOBASE, GPO, History of Science, Technology and Medicine, Medline, OAIster, PapersFirst, Proceedings, World Almanac, WorldCat, and WorldCat Dissertations.
- Engineering VillageEngineering database - searches Compendex, Inspec, and GEOBASE. Click "Check Access" then click on "sign in" via your institution. Type in "University of Oklahoma" (your email will not work) then select University of Oklahoma. This will prompt you to log in with your 4x4. Then click "continue without signing in". It's complicated but it's worth it!
- Dissertation AbstractsU.S. doctoral dissertations since 1861. Includes some international dissertations and US theses. Find most OU dissertations full text through summer 2013; after that date, find OU dissertations in SHAREOK. Most dissertations from other institutions, 1997 to present, are full text. To obtain pre-1997 dissertations, use the interlibrary loan request form.
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