Online Resources
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To located journal articles on your subject, use the databases listed below.
Academic Search Premier (1/1/1984 - )
This database searches several journals including Afterimage, American Art, and American Photo.
Art Index
This database includes materials on art history and visual art. Materials indexed include journal articles, yearbooks, and museum bulletins, as well as multi-lingual material.
Bibliography of the History of Art
Indexes and abstracts current publications in the history of art including journals, conference proceedings, books, and exhibitions. Subject coverage includes traditional fine arts, prints, drawing and sculpture, architecture and design, archaeology, and performance art.
This is a digitized, full-text archive of the back issues of scholarly journals and includes several journals on Art History and Photography.
- Art History Dissertations and Abstracts from North American InstitutionsThe dissertations and dataset present a rich area of study for the ways in which the field of art history has evolved over the last 40 years. The dataset presents over 6,000 dissertations from over 80 North American institutions.