TR5 General works (directories, dictionaries, congresses)
TR6-14 Photographic exhibitions
TR15 General history of photography
TR21-127 Photography by country divisions
TR140 Biographies of individual photographers
TR146-147 Handbooks, manuals, etc.
TR148 Photographic amusements, Trick photography, special effects
TR179 Photographic composition
TR183 Psychology, aesthetics of photography
TR185 Photographic addresses, essays, lectures
TR189 Photographic criticism
TR199 Photographic catalogs, general
TR267 Digital photography
TR268 Pinhole photography
TR269 Instant photography
TR287-500 Photographic processing, darkroom techniques
TR501 Photograph Albums
TR504 Transparencies, diapositives
TR510-545 Color photography
TR550 Studio and laboratory
TR575 Portrait photography, general works
TR590 Lighting
TR620 Interiors