Online articles, books and video.
- Supreme Court in United States History (Rev. ed.)This is a history of the Supreme Court from 1879-1918.
- This Honorable Court - A History of the CourtCall Number: KF 8742 .T45 1988Publication Date: PBS Video -1988
- The Supreme Court : Home to America's Highest Court byCall Number: KF 8742 .S864Publication Date: 2009
- Equal Justice Under LawCall Number: KF 8742 .E68 1977Publication Date: 1977Tape 1- Marbury vs. Madison, Tape 2 - McCulloch vs. Maryland, Tape 3 - Gibbons vs. Ogden, Tape 4 - United States vs. Aaron Burr.
- Thurgood Marshall : Portrait of an American HeroCall Number: KF 8745 .M34 T48Publication Date: PBS Video - 1996
Books available in Law Library
- The Supreme Court An Essential History byCall Number: KF 8742 .Z9 H64ISBN: 0700615385Publication Date: 2007-09-01
- A History of the Supreme Court byCall Number: KF 8742 .S39ISBN: 0195080998Publication Date: 1993-10-07
- The Illustrated History of the Supreme Court of the United States byCall Number: KF 8742 .S52ISBN: 0810916444Publication Date: 1986-10-01
- The Documentary History of the Supreme Court of the United States, 1789-1800 byCall Number: KF 8742 .A45 D66ISBN: 0231088671Publication Date: 1986-03-11
- History of the Supreme Court of the United States - Vol. 1 - Antecedents and Beginnings to 1801 byCall Number: KF 8742 .A45 H55 v.1Publication Date: 1971
- History of the Supreme Court of the United States - Vol. 2 - Foundations of Power : John Marshall, 1801-15 byCall Number: KF 8742 .A45 H55 v.2Publication Date: 1981
- History of the Supreme Court of the United States - Vol. 3-4 - The Marshall Court and Cultural Change, 1815-35 byCall Number: KF 8742 .A45 H55 v.3-4Publication Date: 1988
- History of the Supreme Court of the United States - Vol. 5 - The Taney Period, 1836-64 byCall Number: KF 8742 .A45 H55 v.5Publication Date: 1974
- History of the Supreme Court of the United States - Vol. 6 - Reconstruction and Reunion, 1864-88 byCall Number: KF 8742 .A45 H55 v.6Publication Date: 1971
- History of the Supreme Court of the United States - Vol. 7 - Reconstruction and Reunion 1864-88 : part two byCall Number: KF 8742 .A45 H55 v.7Publication Date: 1987
- History of the Supreme Court of the United States - Vol. 7 Suppl. - Five Justices and the Electoral Commission of 1877 byCall Number: KF 8742 .A45 H55 v.7 Suppl.Publication Date: 1988
- History of the Supreme Court of the United States - Vol. 8 - Troubled Beginnings of the Modern State, 1888-1910 byCall Number: KF 8742 .A45 H55 v.8Publication Date: 1993
- History of the Supreme Court of the United States - Vol. 9 - The Judiciary and Responsible Government, 1910-21 byCall Number: KF 8742 .A45 H55 v.9Publication Date: 1984