U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)
Website: www.energy.gov
- Wind Energy - Wind | Department of Energy
- Wind Research and Development - Wind Research and Development | Department of Energy
- Wind Energies Technology Office - Wind Energy Technologies Office | Department of Energy
Database: WindExchange
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
Wind Research - Wind | NREL
Wind Data and Tools - Wind Data and Tools | Wind Research | NREL
- The wind energy researchers, scientists, and analysts working within NREL's National Wind Technology Center and wind energy program maintain open-source data sets and develop multifidelity predictive modeling and simulation capabilities to benefit the wind energy industry.
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Environmental Effects of Wind and Marine Renewable Energy
Tethys (https://tethys.pnnl.gov/)
Wind Energy and the Environment - https://tethys.pnnl.gov/wind-energy
Wind Tools - https://tethys.pnnl.gov/wind-tools
- Wind Energy Monitoring and Mitigation Technologies Tool: Free, online catalog of monitoring and mitigating technologies developed to assess and reduce potential wildlife impacts resulting from land-based and offshore wind energy development.
- Wind Pacific Research Projects Finder: Compiles information on planned, ongoing, and recently completed research projects relevant to better understanding the environmental effects of offshore wind development along the U.S. Pacific Coast.
- Wind US Research Recommendations: The SEER project and partners compiled databases of research recommendations that are relevant to the environmental effects of offshore wind energy development on the U.S. Atlantic and Pacific Coasts.
- Wind Underwater Noise Regulatory Frameworks: The PURE WIND project compiled a list of regulatory frameworks for consenting offshore wind in several European Union countries.
Department of the Interior
Bureau of Land Management
- Website: https://www.blm.gov/programs/energy-and-minerals/renewable-energy/wind-energy
Wind Energy Development Programmatic EIS (http://windeis.anl.gov/)