American Jurisprudence, 2d
American Jurisprudence 2d, or AmJur, is a legal encyclopedia available on Westlaw. It is national in coverage and provides descriptive overviews of an area of law. Organized alphabetically and topically, it may be searched with keywords.
Relevant Entries
Energy, Sec. 10 - Wind Energy and related terms
Part One. In General > I. Definitions
- Energy, Sec. 54 - Wind Energy
Part Two. Government Regulation and Programs > III. Development of Energy Sources Other Than Nuclear Fission > D. Other Energy Sources
American Jurisprudence Proof of Facts
Proof of Facts is part of the American Jurisprudence family of publications. It provides content on what is needed to establish a claim. Researchers will need to use keywords to find relevant entries. This publication is located on Westlaw.
Common-Law Action for Noise Nuisance on Neighboring Land, Mark S. Dennison, 41 Am. Jur. Proof of Facts 3d 391 (Originally published in 1997).
- Sec. 14 addresses liability for noise generated by windmills and wind generators.
American Law Report Annotations (ALR)
American Law Reports Annotations are available on Westlaw and Lexis. These narrow, issue or case driven reports, provide descriptive and well-researched annotations. Researchers can search for wind energy related annotations using a search phrase such at - wind /3 energy or wind /3 turbine - combined with other keywords to narrow or broaden the topic further.
Some relevant ALR annotations follow.
Challenges Under State Law to Wind Energy Facilities and Laws Regulating or Prohibiting Such Facilities, 64 A.L.R.6th 601 (Originally published in 2011).
Electric generating plant or transformer station as nuisance, 4 A.L.R.3d 902 (Originally published in 1965).
Necessity and sufficiency of environmental impact statements under § 102(2)(c) of National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C.A. § 4332(2)(c)), in cases involving power projects, 66 A.L.R. Fed. 395 (Originally published in 1984).