Multi-Subject Databases
- Academic Search PremierMultidisciplinary database covering social sciences, humanities, education, physical and life sciences, and ethnic studies.
- Article1stReferences to magazine and journal articles and book reviews in all disciplines.
- JSTORMultidisciplinary, full-text archive of the backfiles of selected scholarly journals.
- Web of ScienceMultidisciplinary index covering topics in the sciences, social sciences and humanities. It is the electronic equivalent of the Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Social Sciences Citation Index, and Science Citation Index. Allows users to find sources citing a target article.
Licensed for 26 simultaneous users.
Other Relevant Databases
- America: History and LifeCovers the history and culture of the United States and Canada from prehistoric times to the present, including topics in the social sciences and humanities. Materials indexed include journals articles, book reviews, media reviews, and dissertations.
- ATLA Religion DatabaseBiblical studies, world religions, church history, etc. References and some full text to journal articles, essays, book reviews.
- Black Studies CenterIncludes the Schomburg Studies on the Black Experience, International Index to Black Periodicals (IIBP), and the Black Literature Index.
- Communication SourceIndexes literature focusing on communication, mass media, and journalism.
- Contemporary Women's IssuesIndexes a variety of materials from journal articles to fact sheets that focus on contemporary and international women's issues in areas such as education, health, legal status, reproductive rights, and feminism. Some full text is available.
- ERICEducation literature 1966-present, including journal articles and ERIC documents.
- Film and Television Literature IndexBibliographic database covering the subjects of film and television theory, preservation and restoration, writing, production, cinematography, technical aspects, and reviews. This database indexes periodicals and technical publications. Some full text available.
- HeinOnlineProvides access to a comprehensive, image-based collection of legal periodicals. Each journal in the database begins from its inception. Also includes access to code of federal regulations, legal classics, treaties and agreements, U.S. Attorney General opinions, U.S. Federal Legislative History, U.S. Presidential Library, U.S. statutes at large, and the U.S. Supreme Court Library. Full text available.
- MLA International BibliographyCovers topics in literature, language, linguistics, and folklore. Materials indexed include journals, books, working papers, and conference proceedings.
- Opinion ArchivesOpinion publications including Harpers Magazine, Dissent, The New Yorker, and The Nation
- PAIS (Public Affairs Information Service) InternationalIndex to public and social policy issues, foreign and domestic. Materials indexed include journal articles, government documents, books, pamphlets, yearbooks, and directories.
- PsycINFOCovers psychology and related disciplines in the behavioral sciences. Materials indexed include abstracts to journals, book chapters, books, and dissertations.
- Rights, Action, and Social ResponsibilityThis collection includes content on constitutional history; dissent, truth, and ethics; environmental studies; gender studies; geo-politics; human rights; immigration and urbanism; and Islamic studies. The majority of the content is ebooks, with some journal articles.
- Social Work AbstractsIndexes and abstracts journals in all areas of the profession, including theory and practice, areas of service, social issues, and social problems.
- SocINDEXIndexes literature in sociology and related disciplines in the social and behavioral sciences. Provides abstracts and citations to journal articles, books, and conference papers. Includes author profiles.
- SportDiscusInternational index that covers all aspects of sports, fitness, recreation, and related fields. Materials indexed include journal articles, book chapters, conference proceedings, audiovisual materials, and websites related to all aspects of sports and fitness. Some full text available.
Licensed for 5 simultaneous users.