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Working with Research Data

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Life Sciences Datasets

Environmental Sustainability Datasets


Experimental Design

Biological Sciences

  • IACUC: Alternatives to Animal Models: Literature Search

    "The regulations of the AWA require that investigators provide Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees (IACUCs) with documentation demonstrating that alternatives to procedures that may cause more than momentary pain or distress to the animals have been considered and that activities do not unnecessarily duplicate previous experiments. A thorough literature search regarding alternatives using relevant sources helps to meet this Federal mandate. "

  • Alternatives Search: Demonstrating Compliance

    "Searching for alternatives means considering ways to reduce, refine, or replace whenever there is proposed animal use in research, teaching, or testing. This guide focuses on the Animal Welfare Act (at left, August 1966) and US regulatory compliance in research and education. It is, however, an international concern, and most countries have animal welfare laws and regulations that also require a consideration of alternatives."

  • ALTBIB - Alternatives to Animal Testing

    "Bibliography on Alternatives to the Use of Live Vertebrates in Biomedical Research and Testing. The National Library of Medicine (NLM) developed ALTBIB to provide access to PubMed citations for users seeking information on alternatives to animal testing. Many citations provide access to free full text."

Biomedical Science

Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

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