Oklahoma Historical Society
The Oklahoma Historical Society has been collecting Oklahoma newspapers since 1893 and has the oldest, largest, and most complete collection of Oklahoma newspapers. Many of their papers are available through the Gateway to Oklahoma History (listed below). Some are on only on microfilm at the OHS Research Center, which does not loan materials via interlibrary loan.
Newspapers & Magazines
- America's Historical Newspapers (1690-1922; Readex/Newsbank)Early American newspapers. (NOTE: library does not own all the series in this collection.)
- America's Historical Newspapers (1690-1999; Readex/Newsbank)A Metropolitan Library (OKC public) database. Sign up for a library card if you don't have one. Similar to the database above, but contains different newspapers than ours.
- American Periodicals Series (1740-1940s; Proquest)Magazines and journals that began publishing between 1740 and 1940.
- Black Dispatch (1917-1981; Microfilm)An African-American newspaper out of Oklahoma City. Click title then request via Sooner Xpress.
1917-1929, 1950-1959 available at Gateway to Oklahoma History. - Boley Progress (1905-1926; Microfilm)An African American newspaper. Click title then request via Sooner Xpress.
- Buckskin Joe's Emigrant Guide (1887-1888; Ancestry.com via Proquest)Available in Newspapers.com from the Metropolitan Library System in Oklahoma City. (See entry below for details on getting a library card.) Official monthly of "Buckskin Joe's Texas Oklahoma Colony."
- Cherokee Messenger (In Cherokee; 1844-1846; Ebsco)Baptist Mission Press.
- Gateway to Oklahoma History (1850s-1920s+; Oklahoma Historical Society)--Digital Oklahoma newspapers (and more) dating from the 1850s.
--Also see this list, American Indian Newspapers. - Harlow's Weekly (1912-1949; Oklahoma Historical Society)"Information on Oklahoma political, industrial, commercial, social, and economic developments as well as an organ of historical and literary expression." Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture
- Historical US Newspapers (ProQuest)Includes these U.S. papers:
-Chicago Tribune, 1849-present;
-Los Angeles Times, 1881-present;
-New York Times, 1851-present;
-Wall Street Journal, 1889-present;
-Washington Post, 1877-present.
(The UK's Guardian and Observer, 1791-2003, is also included in this search as are papers from the Historically Black Newspapers collection.) - Indian Missionary (1884-1891; Microfilm)Established by the Baptist Mission. Click title then request via Sooner Xpress.
- Indigenous Newspapers of North America (1828-2016; Adam Matthew)Includes several Oklahoma newspapers.
- Kiowa Chief (~1899-1900; Paper)Western History Collections. News about the opening of Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache lands for settlement. Library holdings incomplete.
- NewspaperArchive (1607-2024)A Metropolitan Library (OKC public) database. Sign up for a library card if you don't have one. U.S. and international newspapers. NOTE: Sometimes if a paper is not in Newspapers.com, it will be in this database.
- Newspapers.com Library Edition (1700s-2000s; Ancestry.com via Proquest)A Metropolitan Library (OKC public) database. Sign up for a library card if you don't have one. Full runs and portions of runs of well-known, regional and state titles to small local newspapers in the United States and other countries. NOTE: The library edition does not have all newspapers that the personal subscription includes.
- Nineteenth Century U.S. Newspapers (1800s; Gale)Newspapers from the 1800s.
- Norman Transcript (1889-2022; Microfilm)--4th floor East, outside former Government Documents Department.
--Online 2008-present. (Text only.) - Oklahoma African American Newspapers (1892-2019)Part of the Gateway to Oklahoma History digital collection.
- Oklahoma City Times (1888-1984; Oklahoma Historical Society)In 1916, the Oklahoma City Times became an evening supplement to the Daily Oklahoman. In 1984, it was incorporated into the Oklahoman and ceased publication.
- Oklahoma Eagle (1939-2019; Microfilm)A Tulsa African American newspaper. Click title then request via Sooner Xpress.
- Oklahoma Magazine (Later called McMaster's; ~1889–1900; Paper)Western History Collections. Library has incomplete holdings.
- Oklahoman Archive (1901-present; Newsbank)A Pioneer Library System (Norman) database. Sign up for a library card if you don't have one. The Oklahoman, formerly The Daily Oklahoman. Full text of images to 1991. Text only 1992-2019. NOTE: Scroll down and click on Oklahoman Archive - Newsbank.
- Oklahoman Collection (1901-present; Newsbank)A Metropolitan Library (OKC public) database. Sign up for a library card if you don't have one. The Oklahoman, formerly The Daily Oklahoman. Full text of images to 1991. Text only 1992-2019.
- Our Brother in Red (1882-1889; Oklahoma Historical Society)Indian Mission Conference. Geographic coverage included Ardmore, Carter County, Oklahoma, Muskogee, Muskogee County, Oklahoma and McAlester, Pittsburg County, Oklahoma.
- The O’Collegian (1895-2008; Oklahoma State)Oklahoma State's student newspaper.
- Sturm's Oklahoma Magazine (1905-1911; Oklahoma State)A monthly publication.
- Tulsa World (1906-2018; Microfilm)Online, 1989-present. (Text only.)
- Twin Territories: The Indian Magazine (1898-1904; Microfilm)Edited by a 20 year old Cherokee woman, Ora Eddleman. Library has 1899-1904, incomplete. Click title then request via Sooner Xpress.
- University of Oklahoma Student Newspapers (1905-2017; Oklahoma Historical Society)Includes the Oklahoma Daily. The University of Oklahoma Student Newspapers Collection comprises work produced across various publications that have chronicled the evolution of the University of Oklahoma since its earliest days.