Finding Book Reviews in History
To find reviews, follow instructions below and type keywords from the title of the book in the search box.
- Academic Search Complete (Ebsco)Limit "document type" to book review.
- America: History and Life (Ebsco)Limit "document type" to book review.
- Book Review Digest (1906- )This is a PAPER source in the Index Area, Main Floor East. Call number: Z 1219 .C96. You need to know year the book was published. Includes excerpts from the reviews.
- Book Review Index (Gale)A comprehensive online guide to book reviews with over five million review citations from thousands of publications. NOTE: to search for reviews from 1965-1979, go to advanced search, uncheck the box labeled "documents with full text," change the date limit to before January 1, 1980, and THEN type your search words above. Also in paper at Z 1035 .A1 B6, Index Area, Main Floor, East.
- Historical Abstracts (Ebsco)Limit "document type" to book review.
- Historical Newspapers (Proquest)Choose "Advanced Search." Under "document type" select "review." NOTE: Sometimes the review limit is not accurate. You may have to search the title of the book and/or author name, without adding the limit review.
- Iter Bibliography: Gateway to the Middle Ages and RenaissanceSelect advanced search. Limit "type of work" to "review" or "review article."
- JSTORSelect "advanced search" and limit "item type" to "reviews." May not have the most recent titles.
- MasterFILE Complete (Ebsco)Limit "document type" to book review.
- Readers' Guide Retrospective (1890-1982; Ebsco)Choose "book review" in "document type."
- Reviews in American History (1973-present; Johns Hopkins University Press)In-depth review essays about the latest books in American history
Where's the Full Text?
- Some databases have the full text of journals. If not, follow these instructions to figure out if the library has the journal elsewhere, or call the Research Help Desk at 405-325-4142 for assistance.
- What if the library does not have a journal issue that you need? We can still get it for you via our interlibrary loan service. It's free! And articles often come electronically within a few days. For more information see the interlibrary loan page.