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Biographical Historical Note Review

All parts of this job, prior to the actual update of the biog/hist note can be completed with public facing access to OU's instance of ArchivesSpace:

Step-by-Step Review

  • What is a Biographical Historical note? Read about it on the National Archives Catalog

  • You will be assigned a group of collections from the ArchivesSpace-Ingest-Finding-Aids-2020 Google spreadsheet

    • The only column you will have access to modify is the "Biog/Hist Note Review" column

  • Navigate to the collection you are working on at to find and read the current biographical/historical note (if one exists)

  • Propose changes to the biog/hist note based on your research by copying the current text into a text editor (if any exists), making modifications, and then copying the new proposed scope note into the "Proposed Biog/Hist" column in the Google Spreadsheet
    • Alternatively, propose that the biog/hist note is sufficient as is with "as is"
  • ​Once you've completed these tasks for a collection, mark the "Biog/Hist Note Review" column as complete with your iniitals and move on to the next collection that's been assigned to you.
  • Notify Jackie or Lina once you've completed a full group of collections so that they can review your work, update the collection records in ArchivesSpace as needed, and assign you a new group of collections