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Check these call number ranges in the Stacks for useful books on different topics.
TH1-9745 Building construction
TH845-895 Architectural engineering. Structural engineering of buildings
TH900-915 Construction equipment in building
TH1000-1725 Systems of building construction. Including fireproof construction, concrete construction.
TH2025-3000 Details in building design and construction. Including walls, roofs
TH3301-3411 Maintenance and repair
TH4021-4977 Buildings: Construction with reference to use. Including public buildings, dwellings
TH5011-5701 Construction by phase of the work (Building trades)
TH6014-6081 Environmental engineering of buildings. Sanitary engineering of Buildings
TH6101-6887 Plumbing and pipefitting
TH7005-7699 Heating and ventilation. Air conditioning
TH7700-7975 Illumination. Lighting
TH8001-8581 Decoration and decorative furnishings
TH9025-9745 Protection of buildings. Including protection from dampness, fire, burglary
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