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The University of Oklahoma
Rare Book Exhibits (Exhibit Hall)
Wild Little Honker (Bird Books from the Special Collections (Opens Jan 15, 2020)
Small Worlds Everywhere (Oct - Dec 2019)
The Academy of the Lynx (July 1- Sept 27, 2019)
Galileo's World Exhibit (Fall 2015 - Spring 2019)
Shakespeare 450 (April - May 2014)
Sherlock (Jan 21 - Mar 4, 2014)
Civil War (Mar 5 - Mar 29 2014)
Crossing Cultures (Sept 2013 - May 2014)
Labyrinths (Dec 2013)
Constitution Day (Sept 17- Oct 10, 2013)
Pop-Up Displays (Exhibit Hall)
Apollo 11/Space History Display (July 2019 - February 2020)
Medieval Fair & Shakespeare's Birthday Display (April 2019)
Lobby Displays
Tie-In to the Teach-In (Spring 2020)
Women's History Month (Mar 2019)
Black History Month (Feb 2019)
Exhibit Catalogs & Brochures
Virtual Book Shelf
Browsable Reference
The Academy of the Lynx Exhibit (July 1 - Sept 27, 2019)
Case 1
De furtivis literarum notis (1563)
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Phytognomonica (1588)
Natural Magick in twenty books (1658)
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Case 2
The Courtier (1724)
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Della fisonomia
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Trattato del legno fossile minerale (1637)
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Case 3
Phytobasanos (1592)
Ruralium commordorum (1471)
Case 4
Serpentum, et draconum historiae (1640) v. 3 of Opera Omnia
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Recherches sur les ossemens fossiles de quadrupedes (1812
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Case 5
The History of Four-footed Beasts and Serpents (1658)
Observationes medicae (1672)
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Case 6
De animalibus (1476)
The Historie of the World (1601)
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Case 7
Godfrey of Boulogne (1592)
Considerazioni al Tasso (1793)
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Case 8
Orlando Furioso (1672)
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Discorsi (1638)
Images from Rare Books in the Exhibit (view online at
H.M.S. Beagle model
Case 9
De historia stirpium (1542)
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Case 10
The Herball (1597)
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Case 11
The Botanic Garden (1790)
Dell' historia
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Zoology of the Voyage of the H.M.S Beagle (1839-43)
Nova plantarvm, animalivm et mineralivm Mexicanorvm
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Erucarum ortus (1717)
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der nature
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Small Worlds Everywhere (Oct - Dec 2019)
Galileo's World Exhibit (Fall 2015 - Spring 2019) >>
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