Viewing the Civil War Display
On the day of the Civil War Teach-In (March 10) the display in History of Science Collections will be open until 8pm.
During March the Civil War display can be viewed: Mon-Fri 8 am-4:45 pm; Sat. 12 noon - 3:45 pm and by appointment (405-325-2741)
Scroll down the page to see which Civil War era books from the 5th floor Collections are currently on display in the History of Science Lobby. See "Additonal Reading" (panel on lower right) for a list of scholarly works relating to the Civil War currently on display in the Roller Reading Room.
Memoirs & Accounts of the War (Cases 1 & 2)
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal memoirs of U.S. Grant, 1885-86 Nichols Collection This copy is signed by U. S. Grant
George Brinton McClellan, Report on the organization and campaigns of the Army of the Potomac: to which is added an account of the campaign in western Virginia, with plans of battle-fields, 1864 Bass Business History Collection
James B. Fry, New York and the conscription of 1863: a chapter in the history of the civil war, 1885 Nichols Collection
United States War Department, General orders affecting the volunteer force, 1862-65 Nichols Collection
Roberts Bartholow, A manual of instructions for enlisting and discharging soldiers : With special reference to the medical examination of recruits, and the detection of disqualifying and feigned diseases Nichols Collection, 1864 Nichols Collection
Junius Henri Browne, Four years in Secessia: adventures within and beyond the Union lines: embracing a great variety of facts, incidents, and romance of the war, 1865 Nichols Collection
Contemporary Reflections on Rebellion, Politics, and Slavery (Case 3)
Wendell Phillips, The Constitution a pro-slavery compact; or, Extracts from the Madison papers, 1856 Bass Business History Collection
Simon Newcomb, A critical examination of our financial policy during the Southern rebellion, 1865 Bass Business History Collection
Daniel Lord, The effect of secession upon the commercial relations between the North and South, and upon each section, 1861 Bass Business History Collection
William Whiting, The war powers of the President, and the legislative powers of Congress in relation to rebellion, treason and slavery, 1862 Nichols Collection
Republican Congressional Committee, The Chicago Copperhead Convention, 1864 Nichols Collection
Charles Leland, Ye book of copperheads, 1863 Nichols Collection
Science, Technology & Medicine in the Civil War Era (Case 4)
Journal of the Franklin Institute, volumes 39-50, 1860-65 History of Science Collections
Louis Agassiz, Principles of zoology, including the structure, development, distribution, and natural arrangement of the races of animals, living and extinct; for the use of schools and colleges, 1860 History of Science Collections
James Dwight Dana, Manual of geology : treating of the principles of the science, with special reference to American geological history, for the use of colleges, academies, and schools of science, 1864 History of Science Collections
Katharine Prescott Wormeley, The United States sanitary commission. A sketch of its purposes and its work, 1863 History of Science Collections
Elizabeth Blackwell, Pioneer work in opening the medical profession to women, 1895 History of Science Collections This copy is signed by Elizabeth Blackwell, and includes photographs and newspaper clippings.
Commanders of US Army Corps, Divisions & Brigades (Case 5)
Civil War Artifacts @ OU Libraries
Civil War: Additional Reading
Here is a select list of supplementary works on science, medicine, technology and the Civil War. These are currently on display in the Roller Reading Room, in the History of Science Collections.
Gangrene and glory : medical care during the American Civil War by
Publication Date: 2001Earlier edition available in Bizzell libraryHospital sketches / by Louisa May Alcott ; edited with an introduction by Alice Fahs. by
Publication Date: 2004Iron coffin : war, technology, and experience aboard the USS Monitor by
Publication Date: 2012War Epidemics by
Publication Date: 2004Women at the front : hospital workers in Civil War America by
Publication Date: 2004