General communication
- Communicating Clearly about Science and Medicine byCall Number: Q 223 .C536 2012ISBN: 9781409440376Publication Date: 2012This book "will help you develop and deliver impactful presentations on medical and scientific data and tell a clear, compelling story based on your research findings. It will show you how to develop clear messages and themes, while adhering to the advice attributed to Einstein: 'Make things as simple as possible...but no simpler.'"
- Scientific Papers and Presentations byCall Number: T 11 .D27 2012ISBN: 9780123847270Publication Date: 2012-07-30"Topics include designing visual aids, writing first drafts, reviewing and revising, communicating clearly and concisely, adhering to stylistic principles, presenting data in tables and figures, dealing with ethical and legal issues, and relating science to the lay audience." A detailed reference work for scientific communication.
- Clear and Concise Communications for Scientists and Engineers byISBN: 1439854793Publication Date: 2012"Guides readers through the steps involved in producing a concise and understandable document in various formats." This includes everything from presentations and posters to project reports to professional correspondence (emails, faxes, memoranda, and more). A detailed reference work on professional writing.
- How to get useful answers to your questions"Often when I ask a vague or underspecified question, what happens is one of:
- the person starts by explaining a bunch of stuff I already know
- the person explains some things which I don’t know, but which I don’t think are relevant to my problem
- the person starts giving a relevant explanation, but using terminology that I don’t understand, so I still end up being confused
None of these give me the answer to my question and this can be quite frustrating (it often feels condescending when someone embarks on a lengthy explanation of things I already know, even if they had no way of knowing that I already know those things), so let’s talk about I try to avoid situations like this and get the answers I need." - Posters on how to design for accessibilityCovers designing for audiences who are autistic, using screen readers, having low vision, having dyslexia, with physical or motor disabilities, who are deaf or hard of hearing, or with anxiety.
- tota11y - an accessibility visualization toolkit"tota11y helps visualize how your site performs with assistive technologies. [...]
The process of testing for accessibility (a11y) is often tedious and confusing. In many cases, developers must have some prior accessibility knowledge in order to make sense of the results. Instead, tota11y aims to reduce this barrier of entry by helping visualize accessibility violations (and successes), while educating on best practices. - Designing ADA Compliant Online Courses"Two faculty members recommend easy ways for enhancing student learning online while meeting compliance." Concrete steps to make online courses, and materials in general, ADA compliant and more accessible.
- Chroma.js Color Palette Helper"for the sake of better use of colors in maps and data visualizations"
Writing and literature reviews
- How to do a literature reviewThis guide will help you do a narrative literature review as either a stand-alone project or as part of a dissertation, thesis, or other research project.
- Synthesizing LiteratureA short three-minute video (with annotated slides) showing how to synthesize literature.
- Writing a Scientific Lab ReportBy The Writing Center, at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, a detailed guide on how to structure a typical scientific lab report. Consult your professor or TA for your class requirements!
- OU Writing CenterThe OU Writing Center offers assistance to undergraduates, graduate students, and faculty with writing. Please visit their website to learn more.
- Effective Scientific Writing: An advanced learner's guide to better English byCall Number: T 11 .E39ISBN: 9789086596171Publication Date: 2013-04-01Aimed at non-native speakers of English but the clear writing and principles in it should be useful for all researchers.
- The Craft of Scientific Writing byCall Number: T 11 .A37 1996 (Reserve at Youngblood and Stacks at NWC Library)ISBN: 0387947663Publication Date: 1998"Using scores of examples from a wide variety of authors and disciplines, the author - himself a writer and physicist -- demonstrates the difference between strong and weak scientific writing, and how to convey ideas to the intended audience."
- Learn to Write Badly byCall Number: H 61.8 .B55 2013ISBN: 9781107027053Publication Date: 2013"Shows how technical terminology is regularly less precise than simpler language." This book uses social science examples but is applicable to all fields and levels of academic writing.
- Scientific writing: thinking in wordsCall Number: T 11 .L52864Publication Date: 2011Located in the Reference collection.
- Frontiers for Young Minds"Frontiers for Young Minds provides a collection of freely available scientific articles by distinguished scientists that are shaped for younger audiences by the input of their own young peers." This is a GREAT resource to see examples of clear writing about complex topics, for those who like to have text to model their own writing.
- From Numbers to Words byCall Number: HA 29 .M83165 2002ISBN: 080133280XPublication Date: 2001"An invaluable reference tool that guides readers through drafting the results of quantitative experiments." This book gives social science examples but should be of use to learners and researchers in many scientific fields in learning how to report the results of statistical tests.
Presentations and posters
- Presentation ConsultationsPresentation Consultations offer personalized instruction to students, faculty, or staff experiencing communication apprehension or "stage fright" as well as help with overall presentation design and organization. Presentation coaches work one-on-one or with groups within the OU community from the initial brainstorming all the way through practice delivering presentations.
- Creating More Effective Graphs byCall Number: HA 31 .R535 2005ISBN: 9780471274025Publication Date: 2004"A succinct and highly readable guide to creating effective graphs."
- Fundamentals of Data Visualization"The book is meant as a guide to making visualizations that accurately reflect the data, tell a story, and look professional. "
- The visual display of quantitative information byCall Number: QA 276.3 .T83 1983Publication Date: 1983"detailed analysis of how to display data for precise, effective, quick analysis."
- Ten simple rules to colorize biological data visualization"Visual representation of [biological] data should not overwhelm, obscure, or bias the findings, but rather make them more understandable."
- Data Visualization Checklist"The 24 guidelines are broken down into 5 sections: Text, Arrangement, Color, Lines, and Overall."
Communicating with the public
- Terms that have different meanings for scientists and the publicAn infographic from the American Geophysical Union reminding us to remember our audience when wording outreach.
- Getting to the Heart of Science Communication byCall Number: ebook (unlimited users)ISBN: 9781642830743Publication Date: 2021"Using interviews and personal anecdotes, as well as her own insights as a field scientist, Kearns walks readers through the evolution of science communication and how emotional and high-stakes issues have shaped communication."
- If I Understood You, Would I Have This Look on My Face? byCall Number: BF 637 .C45 A424 2017ISBN: 9780812989144Publication Date: 2017"The beloved actor shares fascinating and powerful lessons from the science of communication, and teaches readers to improve the way they relate to others using improv games, storytelling, and their own innate mind-reading abilities. With his trademark humor and frankness, Alan Alda explains what makes the out-of-the-box techniques he developed after his years as the host of Scientific American Frontiers so effective." I've taken a few "improv for scientists" and "improv for librarians" workshops and it was fascinating to hear more about how much paying attention to your audience or listener helps communicate complicated ideas!
Writing Grants
- 10 Tips on Grant Writing From a Seasoned Reviewer"Serving as a reviewer, [...] Most review projects with great interest and empathy. But sometimes, in poring over voluminous documents, we get overburdened, lost, confused, or frustrated. Here are 10 tips to help you, in writing your grant application, to guide reviewers to the information we need to advocate for your research."
- Open Grants"An increasing number of researchers are sharing their grant proposals openly. They do this to open up science so that all stages of the process can benefit from better interaction and communication and to provide examples for early career scientists writing grants. This is a list of 220 of these proposals to help you find them."
- "Successful Applications" example repository"All the job and grant applications here are successful, hopefully providing a diverse perspective on what has worked in jobs and funding."
- Grant Seeking in Higher Education byCall Number: LB 2336 .L54 2012ISBN: 9781118192474Publication Date: 2012Written for anyone in higher education who is responsible for submitting and running a grant-funded project, Grant Seeking in Higher Education offers a hands-on resource for developing and managing the grant process from start to finish. Step by step, the authors will help you to identify and sort through potential sponsors, tap into campus support that is already in place, and prepare to write a targeted grant proposal that can generate results.
- Proposal Writing byCall Number: HV 41 .C548 2008ISBN: 9781412937757Publication Date: 2007This book is written primarily for students or beginning-to-moderately experienced grantwriters working in nonprofit corporations, school districts, or city or county agencies, and provides a step-by-step guide to writing a successful grant proposal. Throughout the book, readers are presented with agency/organizational analyses using a conceptual framework that is tied to a theoretical perspective about the desired outcomes.
- Winning Grants byCall Number: HG 177 .C374 2002 (also online)ISBN: 078795876XPublication Date: 2002Written for both novice and experienced grantwriters, the workbook is filled with practical advice and illustrative examples, including Important information such as determining whether your program or idea is fundable Clear examples that make it easier to create a well-written letter of intent How to do the necessary research to find the right funder to approach Targeting your proposal to meet the priorities of the funder What happens to your proposal once it reaches the funder How to adapt this program- and project-specific funding approach to assist in general funding Once the workbook exercises are completed, your organization will have a fully developed grant proposal.
- Funding Your Research in the Humanities and Social Sciences byCall Number: OnlineISBN: 9781351658362Publication Date: 2017Grants and fellowships are increasingly essential to an academic career, and competition over federal and foundation funding is fiercer than ever. Yet there has hitherto been little training available for this genre of writing. Funding Your Research in the Humanities and Social Sciences demystifies the process of writing winning grant proposals in the humanities and social sciences. Offering practical guidance, step-by-step instructions, and examples of successful proposals, Walker and Unruh outline the best practices to crack the proposal writing code. They reveal the most common peeves of proposal reviewers, and offer advice on how to avoid frequent problem areas in conceptualizing and crafting a research proposal in the humanities and social sciences. Contributions from agency and foundation program officers offer the perspective from the other side of the proposal submission portal, and new research funding trends, including crowdfunding and public scholarship, are also covered.
- The Foundation Center's Guide to Proposal Writing byCall Number: HG 177.5 .U6 G44 2007 (previous editions available online)ISBN: 9781595421296Publication Date: 2007Outlines the entire proposal-writing process: Pre-Proposal Planning Tips - This helps you decide when your nonprofit is ready to raise funds and determine how to best define your project. Components of the Proposal - Review actual cover letters, project descriptions, budgets, and examples of important follow-up communications with prospective donors. Guidance from Grantmakers - Interviews highlight new trends in grantmaking: preferred proposal formats, funder cultivation strategies, tips on re-submitting a rejected request, and on how to capture and sustain a grantmaker's interest. To illustrate key points, excerpts from successful grant proposals are inserted throughout the Guide. And a complete model proposal is included in the appendix. An updated bibliography features selected resources on proposal development, including web and print sources. A new chapter focuses on crafting an effective evaluation component, addressing the heightened interest in outcome-based assessment of funded projects.
- The grant application writer's workbook. National Science Foundation - FastLane and version byCall Number: Q 180.55 .P7 R63 2021Publication Date: 2021Written by academicians for academicians, each of the workbooks begins with a discussion of how to develop and refine a compelling idea. The reader is then led systematically through tips and strategies that are relevant to writing each section of the proposal. Examples of well-crafted components are provided.
- The grant application writer's workbook : National Institutes of Health version byCall Number: R 853 .P75 R63 2021Publication Date: 2021Written by academicians for academicians, each of the workbooks begins with a discussion of how to develop and refine a compelling idea. The reader is then led systematically through tips and strategies that are relevant to writing each section of the proposal. Examples of well-crafted components are provided.
- The grant application writer's workbook. United States Department of Agriculture, National Institute of Food and Agriculture version byCall Number: S 484.5 .U6 B77 2021Publication Date: 2021"It guides readers through use of the relevant Request for Applications (RFA) to inform the writing of a proposal, as well as how to develop an idea that will fit within NIFA/AFRI programmatic priorities, with an emphasis on those under the AFRI Foundational and Applied Science Program."
- Research Proposals: A Guide to Success byCall Number: OnlineISBN: 9780125247337Publication Date: 2002This third edition of the classic "how-to" guide incorporates recent changes in policies and procedures of the NIH, with particular emphasis on the role of the Internet in the research proposal process. Completely revised and updated, it reveals the secrets of success used by seasoned investigators, and directs the reader through the maze of NIH bureaucracies. In addition to providing a detailed overview of the entire review process, the book also includes hundreds of tips on how to enhance proposals, excerpts from real proposals, and extensive Internet references.
- Writing the NIH Grant Proposal byCall Number: RA 11 .D6 G47 2018ISBN: 9781506357737Publication Date: 2017Offers hands-on advice that simplifies, demystifies, and takes the fear out of writing a federal grant application. Acting as a virtual mentor, this book provides systematic guidance for every step of the NIH application process, including the administrative details, developing and managing collaborative relationships, budgeting, and building a research team. Helpful hints along the way provide tips from researchers who have received grants themselves. New to this Edition: Much more user-friendly in response to the updated NIH website Covers the new Application Submission System & Interface for Submission Tracking (ASSIST) online submission form for both single and multiple projects Revamped advice on substantive sections of the proposal to address lowered page allowance Coverage of the new scoring system and reviewer reporting system Coverage of the usage and submission of the new SF 424 forms
- A Practical Guide to Writing a Ruth L. Kirschstein NRSA Grant byCall Number: OnlineISBN: 9780128153376Publication Date: 2018-05-24A Practical Guide to Writing a Ruth L. Kirschstein NRSA Grant, Second Edition, continues to provide F-Series grant applicants and mentors with insider knowledge on the process by which these grants are reviewed, the biases that contribute to the reviews, the extent of information required in an NRSA training grant, and a deeper understanding of the exact purpose of each section of the application. New additions to this edition include coverage of other NIH grants, such as R01, R21, and P20, as well as information on significant modifications to the Biosketch and Letters of Recommendation sections.
- Academic Scientists at Work byCall Number: OnlineISBN: 1280634448Publication Date: 2010Academic Scientists at Work guides the scientist on the journey from the end of a postdoctoral career to the point of promotion to Associate Professor. This book focuses on the three aspects of promotion in an academic setting: Scholarship, Teaching, and Service. Valuable advice is provided on the following topics: - Choosing and landing your ideal academic job- Setting up and effectively managing the lab- Obtaining funds- Organizing, writing, and publishing your science- Teaching and mentoring- Organizing and performing academic service- The promotion and tenure process.
- The Chicago Guide to Your Career in Science byCall Number: Q 147 .B56 2008 (NWC Stacks)ISBN: 9780226060644Publication Date: 2008Embarking upon research as a graduate student or postdoc can be exciting and enriching--the start of a rewarding career. But the world of scientific research is also a competitive one, with grants and good jobs increasingly hard to find. The Chicago Guide to Your Career in Science is intended to help scientists not just cope but excel at this critical phase in their careers. The final chapters address writing fellowship and grant proposals.
- How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper byCall Number: T 11 .D33 2016 (older editions also available)ISBN: 9781440842627Publication Date: 2016Chapter 37 is on proposals and grants. Now thoroughly updated and expanded, this new edition of a classic guide offers practical advice on preparing and publishing journal articles as well as succeeding in other communication-related aspects of a scientific career. Writing and publishing journal articles are essential aspects of a successful scientific career. Unfortunately, many scientists find the process of communicating about their work intimidating and confusing. Now in its eighth edition, How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper teaches how to apply clear focus, good organization, and simple, straightforward language to write papers as well as communicate effectively in many other scientifically related applications.
- Designing Science Presentations byCall Number: OnlineISBN: 9780123859709Publication Date: 2012Designing Science Presentations guides researchers and graduate students of virtually any discipline in the creation of compelling science communication. Most scientists never receive formal training in the creation, delivery, and evaluation of such material, yet it is essential for publishing in high-quality journals, soliciting funding, attracting lab personnel, and advancing a career. This clear, readable volume fills that gap and provides visually intensive guidance at every step--from the construction of original figures to the presentation and delivery of those figures in papers, slideshows, posters, and websites.
- Scientific Papers and Presentations byCall Number: T 11 .D27 2012ISBN: 9780123847270Publication Date: 2012-07-30"Topics include designing visual aids, writing first drafts, reviewing and revising, communicating clearly and concisely, adhering to stylistic principles, presenting data in tables and figures, dealing with ethical and legal issues, and relating science to the lay audience." A detailed reference work for scientific communication.
- More on grant proposal writing resources from ASUThe above list was adapted from this link, which contains even more titles and resources.
Networking and Interpersonal Communication
- How to Prepare an Elevator Pitch"One of the most common questions asked is “What do you do?” As researchers, it is very important that when asked that question, we can explain what we do in a short period of time. This has been termed the “elevator pitch”, in other words, could you explain what you do in the time it takes to ride an elevator? "
- Lab Dynamics byCall Number: Q 180.55 .M3 C63ISBN: 1936113783Publication Date: 2012Despite the intimidating title, this book is full of amazing advice on developing interpersonal skills for any level of scientist. The authors include specific case studies as well as exercises on developing your own self-awareness as a professional and how to interact with other personalities. They close with a discussion of leadership in academia and industry.
- Best Practices for Reading and Writing Letters of Recommendation"A letter of recommendation for an academic position or promotion provides an overall assessment of the candidate’s potential to excel in the new position: the professional promise and evidence to support
that assessment." - Communicating with EmpathyRequires OU 4x4 login via LinkedIn Learning (formerly "Empathy at work is crucial to [...] success. When you and your coworkers feel comfortable and confident speaking openly to each other, you're able to develop better relationships. As a result, you feel like you matter and you feel safe enough in your environment to speak up and to allow others to do the same."