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Where to Search

Library Resources & Databases

Once you have selected an issue, find more information using the search tools listed below. Looking for more? Check out the Women's and Gender Studies library guide.

WGS Databases

General Databases

Popular Sources

Identifying a Social Justice Issue

The resources below are not comprehensive but are intended to introduce a variety of possible issues of interest.

Legislative Research

In researching the social justice issue of your choosing, you will need to become familiar with legislative information. The Oklahoma Law & Legal Research Library Guide from the Law Library features extensive information if you are looking for more places to search.

Choosing a Female Leader

The resources below are not exhaustive lists but are instead intended to be browsed and to survey examples of women in leadership roles throughout history who may inspire your art. You may find inspiration while creating your art from the National Gallery of Art or from databases listed on the Video, Images, and Audio page of the WGS library guide.

Finding Zines Online

Once again, the resources below are not exhaustive. ZineWiki has a longer list of Zine Libraries on their website if you are looking for more places to search!