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Web of Science Cited Reference Search

In Web of Science, you can collect citation counts in two ways:

  • Times Cited count displayed on the article record
    • Keep track of new citations by creating a citation alert (see video below for instructions)

  • Conduct a cited reference search (see video below for instructions)
    • A cited reference search is a more complete method for finding citation counts in Web of Science because it allows you to include citations that include errors.
    • A cited reference search allows you to search for items that might not be indexed by Web of Science, like books, reports, and works of art.

Google Scholar

Citation counts are displayed for each article listing. Click on the Cited by link to view a list of citing sources.

Keep track of new citations to your work -- sign up for a Google Scholar Author Profile and create an email alert for new citations.

Subject Databases

Some subject databases also track citing articles. These databases can be used to augment Web of Science or Google Scholar in some fields. Remember to remove duplicates if using multiple sources to find citations.