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Broadening your impact

Managing your online presence, making yourself and your work easily identifiable, and taking steps to increase the visibility of your work can improve your research metrics. Below are some suggestions for broadening your impact. 

For more detail on enhancing your online presence, see this guide at the Utrecht University Library.

Unique Identifers

ORCID identifiers are unique IDs for authors that link publications and activities to an author. They provide persistent digital identifiers that distinguish you from every other researcher.

Register for an ORCID ID

Research Asset Digital Registry (RDAR) is a service offered by the University of Oklahoma. Researchers can register their data and receive a unique identifier called a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) for their dataset. This could aid in discoverablity, contribute a long-term data management strategy, and even help researchers secure additional funding.


ResearcherID is a unique identifier for authors from Clarivate Analytics, the publishers of Web of Science. ResearchID integrates with Web of Science and is ORCID compliant.


Finding Publication Outlets

The following databases can help you identify appropriate journals in which to publish.


What is an institutional repository?

The Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC) defines an institutional repository as “digital collections that capture and preserve the intellectual output of university communities.” Institutional repositories provide a way for university authors to provide broader access to their publications.

OU Libraries offers an institutional repository, SHAREOK.  SHAREOK is the shared institutional repository for OU and OSU, preserving the intellectual output of both universities.

Why would I want to put my work into SHAREOK?

SHAREOK will give your work a persistent URL (reference URL) that will not break if a server gets moved or changed, and that you can share with colleagues or students. It will allow others to reach your material without error. Materials will be indexed in major search engines, thus increasing use and possible citation.

How do I contribute to SHAREOK?

Explore our SHAREOK libguide to learn more.


To begin searching for grants and funding opportunities, see the following:

Open Peer Review

Faculty of 1000, F1000, is a scientific publisher and vendor of scholarly productivity tools. F1000 Research is an open access, open peer review publication.
