Oklahoma Statutes in the Law Library Collection
"The Statutes of Oklahoma are hereby defined to be: First. Original acts enacted by the Legislature. Second. Statutes taken from other sources and adopted and enancted by the Legislature as statutes of this state." 75 O.S.2011 § 11.
Oklahoma Statutes 2011
Call Number: KFO 1230 2011 .A253Publication Date: 2011The official edition of the statutory code of the state of Oklahoma, "comprising all laws of a general and permanent nature including laws and amendments passed by the first regular session of the Fifty-third Legislature, 2011/edited and published under the direction of the justices of the Supreme Court" of Oklahoma. Kept up to date by supplements.Oklahoma Statutes Annotated
Call Number: KFO 1230 .A4Publication Date: 1936 to current editionPublished by Thomson/West, the current set has volumes with various copyright dates. In addition to the volumes containing Titles 1 through 85, are volumes containing the Oklahoma Constitution and U.S. Constitution, Tables and Index. Kept up to date by pocket parts, replacement vols., interim annotation service, Oklahoma session law service, and special pamphlets.