Oklahoma Attorney General Opinions are generally easy to find if you are looking for recent opinions. They are available on the Oklahoma Attorney General's website. In addition, they are on the Oklahoma State Court Network under Oklahoma Attorney General's Opinions. The Oklahoma State Court Network website has Oklahoma Attorney General Opinions from 1977 to present. Older Oklahoma Attorney General Opinions can be hard to find. Oklahoma Attorney General Opinions are available in HeinOnline, in print and in microfiche. If you need help locating the materials mentioned in this guide, contact the reference desk for assistance.
Oklahoma Attorney General Opinions
HeinOnline has Oklahoma Attorney General Opinions available electronically. You can access them in the library or offcampus by using your 4X4. Coverage begins in 1929.
Oklahoma Collection - located on the first floor east of the reading room.
KFO 1640.A553 - Opinions of the Attorney General of Oklahoma – Begins with volume 1 (1968) – current -- Note - Current Opinions are in Law Reserve.
KFO 1640 .A57 O4 -- Digest of Opinions of the Oklahoma Attorney General – Begins with 1963-
KFO 1640.A5552 (1957) –- Opinion of Mac Q. Williamson, Attorney General of Oklahoma, to the Honorable Charles M. Wilson, State Senator, Dated October 21, 1957, relating to the validity, under sections 32, 46 and 59, Article 5 of the Oklahoma Constitution, of 131 enactments of the Twenty-sixth (1957) legislature of the State of Oklahoma.
Microform Area- located on the Main Floor of the library on the east side of the building.
KFO 1640.A553 – Opinions of the Attorney General Microform - 1979-2013 (Microfiche Cabinet #28 -- see drawer labeled Oklahoma Attorney General Opinions)
KFO 1640 .A552 - Attorney General Opinions 1911- 1972 -- (Microfilm cabinet #5 Drawer F )
KFO 1640 .A552 - Attorney General Opinions Indexes (2 Reels) -- (Microfilm cabinet #5 Drawer F )
KFO 1640.A553 - Attorney General Reports and Opinions. 1899-1971 - (Microfilm cabinet #5 Drawer G )