Databases: Find Articles
Databases contain citations and/or full text access to journal articles, book chapters, etc., whether available at OU or not.When we do not own the resource you need in any format, you can request an interlibrary loan (ILL).
See this guide by OU librarian Laurie Scrivener explaining the basics of searching Discover Local for journals and using Link to Article.
Access requires login with a current OU 4x4.
- Academic Search CompleteMultidisciplinary database covering social sciences, humanities, education, physical and life sciences, and ethnic studies. Cross-searchable with other EBSCO Collection databases.
- EBSCO CollectionA collection of databases provided by EBSCO. Selected databases can be searched simultaneously.
- International Bibliography of Theatre and DanceIndexes titles such as Canadian Theatre Review, Modern Drama, PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art, Research in Drama Education, Studies in Theatre and Performance, TDR: The Drama Review, Theater, and many more. Full text available.
- MLA International BibliographyCovers topics in literature, drama, and more. Materials indexed include journals, books, working papers, and conference proceedings.
- Understanding ShakespeareA beta project from JSTOR that links scholarly articles to all 38 canonical Shakespeare plays.
- WorldCatAn international, multi-disciplinary catalog of books, Internet resources, audio visual materials, manuscripts, maps, sound recordings and other materials held by over 20,000 libraries.
- World Shakespeare Bibliography OnlineAccess annotated entries for international books, articles, reviews, dissertations, theatrical productions, audiovisual materials, and electronic media related to Shakespeare that have been published since 1964.
Where is the Full Text?
For a step-by-step explanation of how to get an article you've found in a database, see this guide.
19th Century London-area Theatres

Theatre Royal

Drury Lane

Covent Garden

Sadler's Wells

Databases, cont'd
- Black Studies CenterIncludes the Schomburg Studies on the Black Experience, International Index to Black Periodicals (IIBP), the Black Literature Index, and historical black newspapers such as the Chicago Defender.
- JSTOR (incorporates ARTstor)Full text of many core journals in various disciplines. For some titles, the most recent issues will not be available full text until after an embargo period.
- Project MuseLargely full-text collection of articles from core journals. Generally limited to most recent 5-7 years.
- Google ScholarA collection of scholarly articles that uses Google search technology. Use Google Scholar through the library's website to access our online content or reach the OU Link to Article tool.
- Annual Bibliography of English Language and LiteratureCitations to literary criticism from periodicals and books, critical editions of literary works, book reviews, collections of essays, and doctoral dissertations published around the world.