- Westlaw Energy & Environment RegulationsThis database contains current federal and state regulations that relate to energy and the environment. Title 10 (Energy), Title 18 (Conservation of Power & Water Resources), Title 30 (Mineral Resources), Title 40 (Protection of Environment), and Title 43 (Public Lands & Interior) of the Code of Federal Regulations may be searched individually, as well as energy and environmental regulations from individual state agencies.
- Westlaw Energy & Environment Administrative Decisions & GuidanceThis database includes decisions, orders, guidance from the Dept. of Energy, Dept. of the Interior, Environmental Protection Agency, and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, in addition to Public Utilities Commission decisions, and environmental opinions and order from selected states.
- Westlaw Environmental Law Proposed & Adopted RegulationsThis database contains proposed rules, adopted regulations and notices from federal agencies and individual state agencies, with coverage varying by jurisdiction.
- Westlaw - Federal Register 1936 - CurrentThis database contains all full-text documents published in the Federal Register since March 1936.
- Lexis - CFR and Federal Register - EnergyThis Lexis Advance database contains selected energy and utilities related documents from the Federal Register and from the following CFR titles:
Title 10. Energy
Title 15. Commerce and Foreign Trade
Title 17. Commodity and Security Exchange
Title 18. Conservation of Power
Title 30. Mineral Resources
Title 43. Public Lands, Interior - Lexis - Federal Energy & Utility Administrative Decisions, CombinedThis Lexis Advance database contains selected full-text decisions (consent orders, proposed consent agreements, court orders, opinions) from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Federal Power Commission, and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
- Lexis - Federal Register Energy NoticesThis Lexis Advance database contains selected full-text energy-related documents from agencies such as the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and the Dept. of Energy. Coverage beings with March 1936 (1 FR 1).
- Lexis - Dept. of Energy FAR Supplement (Title 48 of the CFR)This Lexis Advance database contains Dept. of Energy Federal Acquisition Regulations Supplement documents contains in Title 48 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Parts 900 through 999. Coverage from March 1984 to current.
- Lexis - Federal Surface Mining Regulations and MaterialsLexis Advance provides ten separate databases related to federal surface mining. The databases contain rules/regulations, directives, and Federal Register Notices from the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation & Enforcement, and Dept. of Interior decisions. The Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 is covered, as is the Legislative History of the Act.
- HeinOnline - Code of Federal Regulations 1938 - currentThis database contains the full-text of the Code of Federal Regulations starting with regulations in force from June 1938.
- HeinOnline - Federal Register 1936 - currentThis database contains full-text documents (rules, proposed rules, notices, executive orders, presidential documents) published in the FederalRegister since 1936.
- FDsys (free government website) - CFR from 1996 to current print editionPreviously known as GPOAccess.gov, FDsys. gov is the free U.S. Government Printing website. The annual editions of the CFR since 1996 are available for download, browsing, searching, or purchase.
- FDsys (free government website) - e-CFRThe Electronic Code of Federal Regulations is not the official edition of the CFR, but does contains current compilations of CFR materials and Federal Register amendments, updated daily.
- FDsys (free government website) - Federal RegisterThe official daily publication of the Federal Register from 1994 to present.
- Cornell's Legal Information Institute (free academic website) - the CFRCornell's authoritative LII website provides the current annual edition of the Code of Federal Regulations. The titles may be searched or browsed, and LII provides helpful Update and Rulemaking links related to each title.
- Bloomberg Law - CFRBloomberg Law provides the current CFR.
- Westlaw - Oklahoma RegulationsThe current version of the Oklahoma Administrative Code, with regulations, amendments, additions, and revocations.
Westlaw also provides a separate database for Oklahoma Historical Regulations from 2000. - Westlaw - Oklahoma Corporation CommissionThis database contains Oklahoma Corporation Commission decisions since 1955 and state court decisions since 1907, published in the Public Utilities Reports, P.U.R. Digest, and West's National Reporter volumes.
- Lexis - Oklahoma Administrative CodeLexis Advance carries the current Oklahoma Administrative Code.
- Lexis - Oklahoma RegisterLexis Advance has the Oklahoma Register from November 2001 to current. The Oklahoma Register publishes new rules, amendments, revisions, revocations, emergency rules, notices, and executive orders.
- Lexis - Oklahoma Public Utility DecisionsLexis Advance contains the Oklahoma Corporation Commission Public Utility decisions and orders from March 17, 2003 to current.
- Bloomberg Law - Oklahoma Administrative CodeBloomberg Law has the current Oklahoma Administrative Code.