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COVID-19 Policies. Procedures, & Links

Circulation Employee Policies

Absenteeism / Tardiness Policy

Read the document below for details about what counts as an unexcused absence, how many times you are allowed to be absent or tardy each semester, and proper procedures for reporting when you will be late or absent.

Inclement Weather Closure Policy & Procedures

University Libraries' official policy for closing the library due to inclement weather, and how different types of employees should respond.

Circulation Duties

Daily To Do List

Please make sure to do the following every shift before starting any non-work activities:

  1. Touch base with your supervisor. Ask the student you're switching out with about important info to pass on.
    • Student Supervisors should also check schedule binder for sticky notes with instructions
  2. Check for open/dropped shifts on both When I Work and GroupMe
    • Also make matching requests for any shifts you posted on either platform
  3. Read both Announcements!! boxes on the User Services and Circulation LibGuides
  4. Read and respond to work-related e-mails 
  5. Make reminders for yourself about upcoming deadlines, commitments, or special work shifts
  6. Read latest UL Weekly Update on Intranet (posted on Fridays)
  7. Continue working on PSST Canvas course (UL Public Services Student Training)
    • Do a minimum of 1 module per week

Opening Procedures

Read PDF below for instructions on how to open at the desk. Password is Alma password.

Student Supervisors:

Opening shift Student Supervisor should backdate any books returned after closing to previous day before discharging.

Closing Procedures

Read PDF below for instructions on how to close at the desk. Password is Alma password.

At close, every student at the West Desk needs to dust all items in one bullet of the Dusting Locations PDF.

If you are closing without a Student Supervisor

Leave any non-Reserves books returned after midnight on the wooden discharge cart. The next morning, the opening shift Student Supervisor will backdate and discharge them along with the books from the outside drop.

Finals Week Procedures

The 24/7 period starts the Friday of Prep Week and lasts until the Friday of Finals Week. After midnight and before 7:30am during this time, we help Security check IDs at both entrances to make sure patrons entering the building are affiliated with OU. Full-time staff members also volunteer to work the 12:00am-7:15am shifts. Details and instructions for how this affects regular Circulation duties below.

Opening and Closing differences

  1. Student closing shifts end at 12:00am instead of 12:15a, but opening shifts still start at 7:15a.
    • Staff members will replace students working until 12:00am. You are not allowed to vacate your desk until they do.
    • Please be on time for 7:15am shifts to switch out with staff who've been working overnight, so they can go to work!
  2. Watch for the following. If any of these aren’t done on time, please inform a guard or supervisor.
    • At 11:00pm, Security should put up ID check signs at both entrances and rope off half of the South Gate entrance.
    • At 12:00a, a guard should lock the Decks. (No patron access to Decks during overnights without Security escort)
    • Around 7:30am, a guard should take down the signs and undo the rope.
  3. After midnight and before 7:30am, a staff member or a guard should always be at the desk watching the door to check IDs.
  4. Do not lock cabinets or put anything away at the end of the day.
  5. You can shut off computers to clean the screens and refresh them, but turn them back on.
  6. Clean as usual.

Instructions for checking IDs

  • Check IDs the same way you would for Reserves items: Every patron must show their own ID, and we have to confirm that they’re affiliated with OU.
    • Patrons can show us a valid, physical photo ID other than their OU ID. However, we must still look them up in Alma to make sure they’re affiliated.
    • OU Innovate app or Apple Wallet IDs are acceptable.
  • Wait for patrons to see the sign and approach you on their own. Only get their attention if they don’t. To do so, you can:
    • Wave to them and point to the sign / make an ID shape with your hand, or,
    • Say “Excuse me [sir/ma’am], can I see your ID? We check them after midnight during the 24/7 period.”
  • If a patron ignores you or doesn’t hear you, you have to immediately call a Security guard.
    • Describe the patron to the guard so they can go find them. They can review the security camera footage if necessary.
  • If a patron can’t show their ID because they say they left it inside, ask a guard to escort the patron to its location.
  • Patrons must show their ID every time they re-enter the building.
    • Unaffiliated patrons who temporarily leave the building are not allowed to come back in after midnight. If they left their belongings inside, ask a guard to escort them in and out.

Roving Expectations

Each desk (CIRC, COMP, OR, PRM) can assist users in locating books on the shelves or escorting a user to a location in the library. Circulation students can do so if there are at least 2 Circulation employees at the main desk. Otherwise, call computer lab to notify Outreach. 

  • Let a supervisor know if you need to rove so we can assist at the desk if necessary.
  • If you do leave the desk to assist a user, please record the transaction in LibInsight (Stats). Use comment box to explain what you helped them with.

Shift Coverage - When I Work

You must use both When I Work and GroupMe when posting and accepting requests for shift coverage. Below are instructions for how to use When I Work.

  • Note: You are required to regularly check for unfilled requests and offer to swap for them whenever possible, even if you don't have your own coverage request. This applies to students who work max hours, too, since swapping shifts usually doesn't increase your total.
    • This is necessary to ensure full staffing, which is one of your duties as a Circulation employee. Bizzell can't stay open if one circulation desk is empty.

How to Find List of Shift Coverage Requests (Desktop Version)

On the desktop version, there are 2 ways to see what coverage requests haven't been filled:

  1. Click Bell Icon at top left of screen to see recent Notifications, or,
  2. Click Inbox Icon at top right of screen, then select Shift Requests from drop-down menu

How to Find List of Shift Coverage Requests (Phone App)

  1. Go to My Shifts screen
  2. Tap the menu indicated by 3 horizontal bars
  3. Scroll down to and tap Manage Requests at bottom of list
  4. Tap Shift Requests at top of screen

How to Request Coverage (Desktop Version)

  1. Go to and log in using green button at top right
  2. Go to My Schedule tab at top of page
  3. Find shift you will be absent, and click on it
  4. Pop-up will appear with 3 buttons at bottom:  Drop Shift, Swap Shift, and Split Shift
    • Select Drop Shift if you only want to request coverage.
      1. You will see list of Circulation employees. Select everyone.
      2. Type a message explaining reason for your absence.
      3. Click “Initiate Drop” to post the request.
        • Note: The shift is still your responsibility if no one accepts it
    • Select Swap Shift if you want to trade someone for a specific shift.
      1. You will see list of available shifts. Select specific shift you want to trade for.
      2. Click “Initiate Swap” to notify student who works it. They will be asked if they want to accept the swap.
        • Note: If they do NOT accept, then the shift is still your responsibility.
    • Select Split Shift if you only need coverage for part of your shift.
      1. A slider will appear with times on it. Use it to split your shift into two parts.
      2. Now you can Drop or Swap only the part of the shift that you will be absent, or Split each into more parts if necessary.

How to Request Coverage (Phone App)

  1. Log in to When I Work app. Home screen should be Dashboard.
  2. Scroll down to My Schedule or select Schedule at bottom of screen.
  3. Go to My Shifts tab.
  4. Click shift you will be absent. At bottom of screen you will see options to Drop or Swap the shift.
    • Note: Phone app does NOT have Split option, so use desktop version if you will only be absent for part of your shift.
  • Select Drop if you only want to request coverage.
    1. You will see list of Circulation employees. Select everyone.
    2. Type a message explaining reason for your absence.
    3. Click “Initiate Drop” to post the request.
      • Note: The shift is still your responsibility if no one accepts it
  • Select Swap if you want to trade someone for a specific shift.
    1. You will see list of available shifts. Select specific shift you want to trade for.
    2. Click “Initiate Swap” to notify student who works it. They will be asked if they want to accept the swap.
      • Note: If they do NOT accept, then the shift is still your responsibility.


We use LibInsight to take statistics. Each stat is submitted individually via this online form. The form should be one of the homepages when you open up a new window in Firefox.

When to Take Stats

LibInsight stats are required for every interaction with patrons except those that ONLY involve making changes to Alma, because Alma takes its own internal statistics for those.

If you answer a question AND change something in Alma, you still need to take a LibInsight stat for the question.


Always required:

  • Fields marked with a red star, including READ Scale level (top-right)

Required, except when the desk is too busy:

  • Comments when you have to choose Question Type "Other"

Only required when answering research questions, and NOT required when desk is too busy:

  • The Question and Answer boxes

Note: When taking stats, always exclude identifying information about patrons to protect their privacy.

Stats for Transfer Questions

When you have to transfer a question to someone else, use READ Scale Level that matches what all library employees will do, not only what you did.

Recording Hours on Timesheets in Workforce

How to Record Hours (Daily)

** ​If you have more than one job position with OU, you will have separate timesheets for each one in Work Force. Each should be clearly labeled so that you can tell which to use for Circulation. **

  1. Go to immediately after clocking in AND out of When I Work. Log in to Workforce using your 4x4 and password.
  2. Go to My Timesheet in Time Entry section
  3. Change timesheet to the current week
    • Use calendar function at top-left, above your name
  4. Go to row of timesheet for the current day. From the drop-down menu that says “Please Select,” choose “Worked In/Out
  5. DO NOT change the Department. “Library Administrative Serv.” is correct
  6. In Hours column, record the same shift start / end time as your clock in / out time, or your actual start / end time if your clock in / out time isn't accurate. Type time in 24:00 format to reduce likelihood of errors. (ex.: type 1658 and it will automatically convert to 4:58 pm).
    • Reminder: Do not clock in or start working more than 5 min. earlier than your scheduled start time, and only clock out late if supervisor doesn’t release you on time. 
  7. DO NOT type an explanation in the Comment column when recording times significantly different from the PDF Schedule or your clock-in / out times. If you are recording significant time differences please contact your supervisor and let them know the reason, but do not enter it in Work Force.
  8. Click Save button at top of page
    • Note: the Total column and Results tab won’t update until you have saved a shift end time

** You can also cross-reference your times with WhenIWork under the "Timesheets" tab.  It gives you the exact times you clocked in and out.

How to Record Times after 11:59pm

You cannot type 12:00am or later as an end time. Instead:

  • If you clocked out between 11:59pm and 12:05am:
    • Record 11:59pm as the end time.
  • If you clocked out after 12:05am:
    • Record two shifts: one on the day the shift started until 11:59pm, and another on the next day starting at 12:00am and ending at your clock-out time.
      • If you have another shift later that day, you can create a second block of time on the same date by clicking the green “+” button. (Remove extra rows via the drop-down menu for the “+” button)

Notes about Max Hours

  • It’s okay to occasionally exceed max hrs / wk on one week of your timesheet, but ONLY IF the amount is small and the other week is at least the same amount below your max.
  • If you think you will exceed max hours for the pay period because you had to stay late or because Workforce rounded up your 0.25-hr increments to 0.3 hrs:
    • First, check to see if swapping for a shift in When I Work could resolve the problem.
    • If not, talk with a supervisor to arrange a day within the same pay period to leave early (6 min. for each 0.1 hr over max).
  • The Results tab below your timesheet shows the total hours for BOTH weeks of the pay period for ALL of your campus jobs.
    • It is your responsibility to monitor this and stay below max hours for the pay period.

Submitting & Correcting Timesheets in Workforce

When to Submit a Timesheet

  • Every 2 weeks. The Circulation Supervisor will announce the deadline.
  • Please submit them a day early to give yourself time to make corrections.
  • Note: If you work no shifts during the entire pay period, you do not need to submit a timesheet.
    • The Circulation Supervisor will still approve your blank timesheet, though, to give Payroll confirmation that you didn't work.

How to Submit a Timesheet

  1. Go to and sign in with your 4x4 and password and click on "My timesheet"
    • Under each date you worked click the drop down menu beside "Please Select" and choose Worked In/Out.
    • Enter the time you began your shift in the top space provided, the time you clocked out in the bottom one.
  2. ALWAYS double-check by comparing your shift times and lengths on the PDF schedule, and/or When I Work, to the hours in your timesheet's Total column.
  3. Make sure there are shift requests entered into When I Work for all swaps/drops/pick-ups (or any differences from the weekly schedule).  
  4. Click the Save button to see your totals, then review Messages tab at the bottom of the page.
    • Red pin messages will prevent you from submitting your timesheet
  5. Click the Submit button above your timesheet to send it to the Circulation Supervisor.
  6. For special payroll weeks (usually for holidays or some unforeseen event) you may be asked to estimate times for any shifts scheduled for future days in the pay period, and record them on your timesheet.
    • Later, if actual times end up differing significantly from your estimate, correct or amend your timesheet (see section below).

How to Correct a Submitted Timesheet

First, use the calendar function at the top left of the screen to go to the week that needs corrected, if not the current pay period.

  1. If the Circulation Supervisor HASN'T approved your timesheet yet:
    • Click the Recall button to reopen your timesheet for correction.
    • Correct the shift.
    • DO NOT put anything in the comments section, just hit Save.
    • Click Submit again
  2. If the Circulation Supervisor HAS approved your timesheet, BUT payroll hasn't been processed yet:
    • Ask the Circulation Supervisor to unapprove your timesheet so that the Recall button will become available again.
    • Follow same steps as #1 above
    • IMPORTANT: After you make a correction, notify the Circulation Supervisor about it by email or private GroupMe message immediately to ensure that your timesheet gets Approved ASAP
  3. If payroll HAS already been processed:
    • Use the calendar function at the top left of the screen to go to the week that needs corrected.
    • Click the Amend button at the top.
    • Make the appropriate adjustment on the timesheet and submit it again.

Corrections from Home

You can and should make corrections from home in situations like these:

  • Unexpected changes to estimated shift times after you’ve submitted your timesheet
  • Corrections your supervisor texts, GroupMe messages, or e-mails you about after reviewing your timesheet

Circulation Troubleshooting

Alma Login Problems

Don't know Alma password

Ask a co-worker or supervisor.

Student Supervisor account won't log in

See if it helps to log out of circbiz4 on other computers first.

New Alma password

  • If you can't log in, check your e-mail to see if anyone sent out a notification about having to change the password. Or, call / text the students who worked the shift before yours to see if they had to change it.
  • If Alma asks YOU to change the password:
    1. Tell the supervisor on duty, who should change it and tell the new password to everyone else on duty, including full-time supervisors
      • If there is no supervisor on duty, go ahead and change the password yourself
    2. Group e-mail everyone to tell them the new password


If you see the words "Block" or "Blocked" on a pop-up or a patron's account:


Do NOT click anything. Instead, ask a student supervisor or full-time supervisor for assistance.

Student Supervisors:

See instructions in "Blocks" and "Loan Limit Exceeded" sections of "Circulation Student Supervisor Responsibilities" PDF in Circulation Training box.

Can't Find Reserves Book

...Because Alma says Reserves copy available, but you can't find one

  1. Check to see if it is on the Reserves return cart.
  2. Check Textbooks on Order list to see if it has been ordered but hasn't arrived yet. If so, tell patron.
  3. Other locations to check:
    • Damaged / Lost Book shelves
    • Discharge carts, Mending cart, and red carts
    • Billing desks
    • Ask co-worker, in case they just put it away while you were looking
  4. Common mis-shelving locations:
    • Similar-looking letters:
      • Like HE 151  /  HF 151
    • Dropped letters:
      • Like TA 385  /  T 385
    • Missing or moved decimal: 
      • Like QC 23.2  /  QC 232
    • If Reserves DVD, AV shelf instead of black filing cabinet
  5. If still can't find it, tell patron it's missing and that you will inform Reserves Manager.
  6. Fill out Reserves Problem slip from the cubby. Give to Reserves Manager.

...Because Alma says all copies not available

  1. Check item status to see whether the copies are on Loan or Lost / Missing.
    • Click "Item" link, then check under "Process Type" column to see status.
    • Note: If status is "Loan" and patron asks when it's due, click "Loan" to check.
  2. If all copies permanently unavailable, suggest patron use ILL. Tell patron to explain situation in notes section of ILL request form.
  3. Fill out Reserves Problem slip from the cubby to inform Reserves Manager that all copies Lost / Missing.

...Because you can't find it in Alma

  1. First, try all of these search techniques:
    • Title or author might be inaccurate. Type your search terms into Google to find correct info.
    • Try different search terms in Alma, like:
      • Only uncommon words from title
        • Example: For "Gender through the Prism of Difference," type only: Gender Prism Difference
      • Only last name of author and 1-2 uncommon words from title
        • Example: For "Calculus" by James Stewart, type: Calculus Stewart
      • Additional info like publisher or ISBN
        • Use Advanced Search to see possible options
    • Last resort:  try searching by Course ID (not always reliable)
  2. If still can't find it, check Textbooks on Order list just in case.
  3. If not on list, tell patron that their instructor needs to talk to Reserves Manager about putting copy on Reserve.
  4. Also fill out Reserves Problem slip from the cubby to inform Reserves Manager about any requests for items we don't have.

Can't Find Specific Article

If the Learning Lab is staffed, transfer patron there, so Peer can help them find the article. (If we are not busy, you can try using Discover! on the OU Libraries website.)

If no one is in Learning Lab and you can't find via Discover!, try this:

Finding Article Using Alma

  1. Ask patron for the article's journal / newspaper / magazine title, and its volume / issue / year / etc.
  2. Search for it in Alma.
    • You may need to check multiple records, because older & newer volumes of serials might be in separate records.
  3. Ask patron if they want physical or online version.
    • Physical:
      1. Click "Physical" link at bottom of record.
      2. If correct volume listed, give patron call # for that record. Write info like volume and year at end of call #.
    • Online:
      1. Click "Electronic" link at bottom of record to show links to database websites that host it online.
      2. If a database has correct volume or article, follow link and find it.
        • May need to log into Libraries Website for access
      3. Direct patron to URL of page the article is on.
    • If we have one medium and they want another:
      •   ILL for physical copy, Sooner Xpress for scanned copy
  4. If still can't find it, we may not have it, especially if patron says they found it via Discover! bar of website instead of Discover (Local). Suggest ILL or Sooner Xpress.

Complaint About Employee

See Employee Report tab in Circulation Procedures - Miscellaneous box. Doesn't matter if a patron or another employee requests to file the complaint.

'Loan Limit Exceeded'

If you see the words "Loan Limit" or "Loan Limit Exceeded" on a pop-up:


Do NOT click anything. Instead, ask a student supervisor or full-time supervisor for assistance.

Student Supervisors:

See instructions in "Loan Limit Exceeded" section of "Circulation Student Supervisor Responsibilities" PDF in Circulation Training box.

No A# or Barcode

If an item a patron wants to check out doesn't have an A# or barcode on it and the item doesn't belong to a special collection, then you'll probably need to make a BRIEF Title for it, so you can put a barcode on it to be able to check it out.

For instructions on how to make a BRIEF, see the BRIEF Titles tab in the Circulation Procedures - Miscellaneous box.

Outlook Login Problems

If Outlook on the discharge computer prompts you for login information, check the following PDF.


If you see the word "Override" on a pop-up:


Do NOT click anything. Instead, ask a student supervisor or full-time supervisor for assistance.

Student Supervisors:

See instructions in "Blocks" and "Loan Limit Exceeded" sections of Circulation Student Supervisor Responsibilities PDF in Student Supervisor training section of Circulation Training box.

Too Many Search Results (Alma)

How to Narrow Results to Only Include Reserves Items

  1. Search for item as usual
  2. Click "Advanced" next to search bar
  3. Change blue button to "Physical Titles"
  4. Click blue "+" icon next to search bar
  5. Change the 3 new white boxes to the following:
    • Physical item > Current Location
    • Equals
    • Bizzell Memorial Library > Main Reserves (Bizzell) (RESERVMAIN)
  6. Click "Search"

If Unable to Check Out a Book In Alma...

If you find that Alma will not let you check out an item and you can't immediately discern the reason, it may be a BRIEF issue. After discharging a BRIEF, Alma will prevent you from checking it out because it created an active In-Transit request to send it to Cataloging.

To cancel that request and make it possible to immediately check the item out again:

  1. Find the Alma record for the BRIEF. Make sure A# matches.
  2. Click the number after the word "Requests:"
  3. Click "Cancel."
  4. For reason, select "Request was changed due to update."
  5. Add "Brief title" to cancelation note.
  6. Click "Confirm."
  7. Discharge the item.

Supervisors: If you are discharging books and a note about the time being lost/missing pops up. Please scan the barcode in to the Lost and Missing Google doc here. Please add the date to the following box. You then can just put the book on the proper cart/shelf for reshelving. 

Circulation Procedures - Miscellaneous

BRIEF Titles

A BRIEF title is a temporary Alma record that we create for an item that has no A#, or an item that has an A# that Alma doesn't recognize.

When to Create


  • Only make a BRIEF when checking items out to a patron.

Student Supervisors:

  • Only make a BRIEF when checking items out to 1) a patron or 2) the Mending account.
  • While discharging, if you notice that an item doesn't have an A#:
    • Put it on the Catalog Review shelf (unless it's damaged)
    • On the Catalog Review slip, check off the option "Needs an ID number"

How to Create

First, double-check the outside & inside covers, spine, and first & last few pages for another A# or barcode that Alma recognizes. If you find one, you don't need to make a BRIEF. (Note: First page often sticks to inside cover, hiding the A#).  Also, try checking in Alma. Sometimes an item's A# can be determined and verified through an Alma search.


  1. Scan patron's ID in Manage Patron Services to go to checkout screen.
  2. Click "Create Item" link.
  3. On the pop-up that appears, always select options "New" and "Book," then click "Choose."
  4. You will go to page called "Quick Cataloging." Only edit the following 3 sections:
    • Title:
      • Type title of item in ALL CAPS.
      • If item has title page, get title from there, not cover.
    •  Location:
      • Select "Bizzell Memorial Library : Stacks (STACKS)," even if item came from the Decks. 
    • Barcode:
      • Get new A# barcode from sheet of barcodes in supplies cabinet.
        • If item already has A# that Alma doesn't recognize, don't get new barcode. Scan existing one instead.
      • Place cursor in "Barcode" field, then scan barcode. Make sure digits scanned accurately before attaching to item.
        • For books, always attach barcode somewhere near top of 1st right-hand page after opening front cover (less likely to get lost if cover falls off).
        • DON'T attach barcode to Due Date slip. If slip is in the way, carefully detach and discard it.
  5. Scanning barcode into field on "Quick Cataloging" page automatically checks item out to patron.
  6. If due date doesn't align with patron's Borrowing Privileges for that item type, use "Change Due Date" to correct it.


BRIEFs should be discharged by a Student Supervisor at the discharge desk.

  1. Discharge as usual.
  2. Alma will display pop-up to send the item to Acquisitions, but it actually means Cataloging.
  3. Get slip from Catalog Review shelf. Check off option for "Brief record only." Initial and date.
  4. Insert slip in item and put it on Catalog Review shelf.

If Unable to Check Out (How to Cancel In-Transit Status)

After discharging a BRIEF, Alma will prevent you from checking it out because it created an active request to send it to Cataloging.

To cancel that request and make it possible to immediately check the item out again:

  1. Find the Alma record for the BRIEF. Make sure A# matches.
  2. Click the number after the word "Requests:"
  3. Click "Cancel."
  4. For reason, select "Request was changed due to update."
  5. Add "Brief title" to cancelation note.
  6. Click "Confirm."
  7. Discharge the item.

Employee Report Form and Policy

For reporting complaints about an employee, either from another employee or from a patron.

For complete instructions and the form itself, see documents below.

Green Slips

Green Slips come from the Learning Lab. They are waivers provided to patrons on a case-by-case basis to check out particular non-circulating items.

If Alma prevents a patron from loaning an item, ask them where they got it. If it came from any of the following, send the patron to the Learning Lab desk to ask if it's possible to get a Green Slip for it:

  • Reference Collection at east end of Main Floor
    • These have white Reference label or yellow dot on spine. Most also have Reference stamp on inside cover.
    • Alma location: "Reference Collection"
  • Ready reference section in Learning Lab
    • These look like regular Stacks book on outside
    • Alma location: "Learning Lab"
  • Stacks (subject librarians intentionally designate some regular Stacks books as Non-Circulating)
    • These usually have blue dot on spine and Non-Circulating stamp on inside cover.
    • Alma location: "Non-Circulating"

What to do if patron shows you a Green Slip

Follow the instructions in the PDF below:

Important Notes

  • Be careful not to let a patron think they're guaranteed to get a green slip before they talk to the Learning Lab. Not all books from the collections above are eligible for a waiver.
  • Non-circulating books from other special collections (Boorstin, etc.) are usually NOT eligible.
  • See Green Slipping Policy tab on the Learning Lab Duties box for more info.

Patron Registration Form

Whenever creating or updating an account for a patron, ask the patron for up-to-date contact info. Unless they have a Borrower's Permit account (see below), give them a Patron Registration Form slip from the cubby to write their contact info on. Shred after use.

Borrower's Permit Request Form

When a patron needs to purchase or renew a Borrower's Permit, use a Borrower's Permit Request Form to have them fill out their contact info instead of a Patron Registration Form. Do NOT shred this form, because it also functions as a receipt. See "Borrower's Permit" section in Permits tab for complete instructions.

Transferring Calls

When on the phone line with a patron, follow these steps:
  1. Hit the "TALK" button
  2. Press the number "5"
  3. Dial the four numbers of the department you wish to transfer to
  4. Stay on the line until the other department answers and tell them you have a call for them from Circulation
  5. Press "TALK" one more time to officially transfer the call
  6. Wait until a conversation occurs
  7. Hang up.

When transferring calls to administration, please use the 5-2611 number



Below is each type of permit with instructions, digital copies of related forms, and other info.

Forms for all permits can be found in the cubby. If we run out of any forms, physical master copies are in the discharge desk bottom drawer. 

Borrower's Permit

For patrons unaffiliated with OU who do not qualify for any other permit (see instruction sheet for other restrictions). Cost $50 per year.

CESL, OUHSC, or New OU Student / Staff / Faculty

Patrons from any of these groups should be considered official students, staff, or faculty of OU even if they have no account in Alma yet. You may need to create a temporary account for them.

GWLA Share Permit

A possible option for instructors from universities outside of Oklahoma. Check list of participating institutions to see if patron is eligible.

  • GWLA is pronounced "gwi-luh." Stands for Greater Western Library Alliance.

High School Visiting Scholar Permit

Only for high school students from certain pre-approved programs. To process, you will also need manila envelope with name of student's program on it from the cubby.

OCLC Reciprocal Faculty Card

Possible option for instructors from universities outside of Oklahoma. Check list of participating institutions to see if patron is eligible.

OK-SHARE Card Instruction Sheet

For students or instructors from other institutes of higher education within Oklahoma who already have an OK-SHARE card.

Also for providing OK-SHARE cards to OU students or instructors who want checkout privileges at participating institutions.

OU Affiliated Company Permit

For contract employees like the GardaWorld security guards.

OU Alumni or President's Associates

Alumni:  OU Alumni must show an unexpired Alumni Card purchased from the Alumni Office to be eligible. Otherwise, Borrower's Permit required.

President's Associates:  These are non-OU guests given special permission for checkout privileges by the OU President's Office. The President's Office also gives them their official permit card.

Visiting Scholar Permit

  1. For instructors (NOT students or staff) from another institute of higher education within Oklahoma.
  2. For individuals studying in certain OU-affiliated programs, but have no account in Alma.
    • Exceptions: CESL, OUHSC, and new OU students / staff / faculty are handled differently. See above section with that title.
  3. For miscellaneous patrons who are eligible for checkout privileges but don't fit into any other User Group, such as an unaffiliated patron approved to be Proxy for a disabled student

About Proxies and How to Process Proxy Application Form

Resources for determining who is eligible to have proxies, who's eligible to be one, how the process works, and instructions.

For Circulation Employees

For Patrons

Making a Digital or Printed Return Receipt

When a patron doesn't want a hand-written return receipt, you can use Alma to make a printed one.

Instructions in document below:

Special Billing Search

When a patron says they returned an item, but Alma still has it checked out to their account, a Special Billing Search may be required.

Instructions in the document below:

Note: if it's a Reserves item, go ahead and check the shelves to see if it is there. If it is, you can skip the Special Billing Search step and assume that there was an Improper Discharge.

List of Textbooks on Order

When you can't find a Reserves Textbook, use the Excel spreadsheet below to see if we have ordered it but it hasn't arrived yet.

Circulation Procedures - Technology Lending

Technology Lending Basics

A full list of available technology, including check-out periods and overdue fines can be found on the UL website.

Additionally, information regarding item usage policies can also be found on the UL website.

Please remember that many of the new technology lending items have special processes when they are being loaned and discharged.  Many of these items check out in bundles of multiple parts, and should be clearly labeled both physically on the item itself and digitally in Alma when multiple parts are present.

Many of these items are listed with the location "BOOKINGBIZ".  These items are able to be booked in advance for a period up to but not exceeding their checkout period.  For more information on booking items, see the "Booking Technology Items" tab.

Checkout procedures

UNLOCK THE CASE! The keys to the case and the bike lock are in the box with the other keys in the discharge desk. It has a dino sticker on one side, it says Podcast Kit on the other, and has a toy truck attached. The luggage key is the small key, please keep the luggage key in the box until it's returned.

Check in procedures

Check to make sure everything is there and nothing is damaged. LOCK THE CASE BACK and use the bike lock to lock it to the shelf and podcast kit.


Carrying case

3 lights

3 tripods

1 monopod

3 power cords

3 covers

3 cables

2 remote dimmers



Checkout procedures

The case is locked to the podcast kit! Make sure everything is accounted for.

Check in procedures

Check to make sure everything is there and nothing is damaged. LOCK THE CASE BACK and using the bike lock to lock it to the shelf and podcast kit.


Carrying case

2 lights

4 small backdrops (Red, Blue, White, Black)

4 large backdrops (Red, Blue, White, Black)

1 small tent cube

1 large tent cube


The Blue Yeti Microphone checks out as a bundle, and all parts of the main bundle must be included in all transactions.

These parts are:

  • Microphone 
  • Mic Cable 
  • USB cable
  • Splitter cable
  • Headphones
  • Manual
  • Hard Carrying Case

It can be checked out with the podcast kit and used with the mixer.

Podcast Kit

Checkout procedures

UNLOCK THE CASE! The keys to the case and the bike lock are in the box with the other keys in the discharge desk. It has a dino sticker on one side, it says Podcast Kit on the other, and has a toy truck attached.

Check in procedures

Check to make sure everything is there and nothing is damaged, especially the laptop. LOCK THE CASE BACK and use the bike lock to lock it to the shelf and the light kit.



Interface box

Interface Cable (USB)

P Pop Guard

Microphone in a microphone bag

Mic Cable

Mic Stand

Mac Laptop

Mac Charging cable

Headphones in a headphones bag




The Insta360 action camera checks out as a bundle, and all parts of the bundle must be included in all transactions.

These parts are:  

  • Case
  • USB-C Cable
  • Battery base
  • CORE
  • 360 Lens
  • Wide Angle Lens
  • Lens cap
  • Camera mount
  • Thumb screw
  • Mounting Bracket
  • Instructions

Micro Memory card bundles can ONLY be checked out with this camera and is available as a separate checkout. The "big" manual is also available as a separate checkout and lives with the other manuals. 

When a patron returns any camcorder or camera, always have a staff supervisor check the condition of it prior to discharge.


ONLY Staff and Student Supervisors can check out/check in the Telescope

Check out procedures

Demonstrate the telescope:

  • Take off the lens caps & show which end is “up” on the telescope
  • How to turn the finder on & off, using the finder to locate an object
  • How to view & to focus the telescope using the viewing lens (on the side of the telescope)
  • How to carry the telescope safely

Review the Care @ Transport Handout with the patron & how to transport it in a car with a seat belt.

Check:  Are all the parts there?

  • Telescope & two lens caps
  • EZ Finder & battery pack (on top of barrel)
  • Viewing lens (on side of barrel)
  • Pouch (contains 3 items)
    • Laminated user guide,
    • Audubon constellation book,
    • Headlight
If the weather is bad (rain, snow, etc.) Please cover the telescope with a clear trash bag on same shelf.

Check In/Returned Telescope

While that patron is there:

Turn on the finder and confirm that the finder is working in the presence of the patron.

Check the condition of the mirror (look down the barrel).  Is it still whole and unbroken?

Verify: Are all the parts there?

  • Telescope & two lens caps
  • EZ Finder & battery pack (on top of barrel)
  • Viewing lens (on side of barrel)
  • Pouch (contains 3 items)
  • Laminated user guide,
  • Audubon constellation book,
  • Headlight

Can be done after patron leaves:

·    Check the battery in the finder & Tell Kelly if the batteries in the finder need to be replaced.


Canon Camcorders & Accessories

The Canon camcorder check out as a bundle, and all parts of the main bundle must be included in all transactions. We now have 2!

These parts are:

  • The camera itself
  • Red/White/Yellow VGA Cable
  • USB Cable
  • HDMI Cable
  • Power Cable (2x parts)
  • Remote Control
  • 2x Battery Packs (One should be in the camera)
  • Lens Hood
  • Soft Case and strap

Yes, it's a lot, and yes, you need to check for every single part every single time, no exceptions.

Additionally, there are a number of accessories available that can be checked out with the Canon camcorder:

  • Tripod
  • Wide Angle Lens, Telephoto Lens, Fish eye lens (there are spaces for these in the hard case but they are stored and checked out separately)
  • Instruction Manual

On top of that there are also a number of accessories that check out with either the Canon or SONY camcorders.  For more information, please see the "Camcorder Accessories" tab.

When a patron returns any camcorder or camera, always have a staff supervisor check the condition of it prior to discharge.


SONY Camcorder & Accessories

The SONY camcorder checks out as a bundle, and all parts of the main bundle must be included in all transactions.  These parts are:

  • The camera itself
  • USB Cable
  • HDMI Cable
  • Power Cable (2x parts)
  • 2x Battery Packs (One should be in the camera)
  • Soft Case and Strap

Yes, it's a lot, and yes, you need to check for every single part every single time, no exceptions.

Additionally, there are a number of accessories available that can be checked out with the SONY camcorder:

  • Tripod
  • Fish-Eye Lens, wide angle lens, and telephoto lens (this is stored and checked out separately)
  • Instruction Manual

On top of that there are also a number of accessories that check out with either the Canon or SONY camcorders.  For more information, please see the "Other Camcorder Accessories" tab.

When a patron returns any camcorder or camera, always have a staff supervisor check the condition of it prior to discharge.


Other Camera Accessories

In addition to the camera-specific accessories available with the Canon and SONY camcorders, we also offer a number of camera accessories that can check out with either camera.

  • Camera Microphones
  • Camera Lights
  • 3-part Filter Packs
  • Memory Cards w/ USB Adapters
  • Step-up adapter rings
  • Step-down adapter rings
  • Wide angle lens
  • Fish Eye lens
  • UV filter
  • Telephone lens

iPad Restore Steps ("Death Box" Instructions)

Reserves iPads should be restored every time one is checked in, to remove saved data patrons may have potentially left on the device. Please be sure to place iPade in RESTORE pile. Kelly will restore them.

The hotspots are named UL_Bizzell_Hotspot (number). So to connect to the hotspot a patron will have to choose the wifi connection named Ul_Bizzell_Hotspot3.

The password on ALL of the hotspot is g3tBzzY

Other Technology Lending

Additionally, there are a few other new technology items available for use by OU students, staff, and faculty:

  • Classroom Projector
  • Transcription Headset
  • Transcription Pedal
  • Digital Voice Recorders
  • Presentation Clicker
  • 360 camera
  • Panasonic TV Remote
  • Speakerphones
  • webcams
  • hotspots

Some of these items involve multiple parts and should be clearly labeled, both on the item itself and in Alma, what parts are included.

And of course we also have a number of technology items that should already be familiar:

  • Laptops
  • DVD Drives
  • Laptop Chargers
  • iPads
  • Calculators
  • Headphones
  • Phone and Tablet Chargers
  • Phone and Tablet Adapters
  • Blu-Ray Players
  • Power Strips
  • Bike Locks
  • Power banks
  • Portable Chargers

Booking Technology Items

All items that are bookable will have the location "BOOKINGBIZ" in Alma, instead of "RESERVMAIN" or "AV_AREA".

Users will need to contact the main circulation desk to set up their booking period, which will be handled by Circulation employees through Alma.

(Yes, I know it starts on Part 2; Part 1 is about how to create an item that is bookable, which is not anything you need to know!)

Please note that the Fine Arts library also offers technology item booking; however, only the full-time staff at Fine Arts can set up Fine Arts booking requests.  If a patron wants to book a Fine Arts item, please refer them to the Fine Arts library, at (405) 325-4243.

The following technology items are available for booking at Bizzell:

  • Camcorders
  • All Camcorder Accessories
  • Cameras
  • 360 Camera
  • Presentation clicker
  • Projector
  • Transcription Pedal and Headset
  • Digital Voice Recorders
  • Selfie Stick
  • Power banks
  • Binoculars
  • Telescopes
  • Red light
  • Plainsphere
  • Webcams
  • Hotspots
  • Photo Studio



Select Wifi@OU and have the patron login.

If it does not log in, restart the laptop and have the patron try logging in again.

If does not work, try logging in yourself.

If this does not work notify Kelly or Jen and submit a "JIRA" ticket at Library Technology Platforms. Please send the email confirmation to

If you cannot select WiFI@OU or it does not give you a wifi option, please restart the computer. If it still doesn't show up  notify Kelly or Jen and submit a "JIRA" ticket at Library Technology Platforms please send the email confirmation to

*NOTE* The new macs are incredibly slow to login, like over a minute slow. So please be patient!
If it's still having login problems, restart the laptop and then have the patron try logging in.



With some of the new methods we implemented to these loanable laptops, a few quirks have shown themselves. The main things you can do to avoid these quirks (which will make them inoperable to users) are:

Do not try to manually connect to the wifi on the login screen*.

Do not fully shutdown to avoid any kind of update reversion.

*in the event something like that happens, simply hold down the power button till the Dell logo reappears. This should fix the issue of a freeze.

For further information, checkout this document.

If the laptop gives you a "domain not available" answer, try restarting it. If this it doesn't work, restart it in airplane mode.

If these solutions do not work notify Kelly or Jen and submit a "JIRA" ticket at Library Technology Platforms. Please send the email confirmation to

The TV with VCR and DVD player is in library use only. If someone asks to check it out let them know it is in library use only. It does not have a barcode so you'll just wheel it out to them.