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User Services Information

WEPA Printer Locations in Bizzell

Main Floor, LL2 workroom,  LL1 Learning Lab near 1958 elevators, 2nd Floor.

Note: The Fine Arts library has a WEPA printer that can print using 11x17"  if needed.

WEPA Handouts

Website Login Issues

Resources for Patrons Who Can’t Log Into the Site

  • The first line of defense is an error message that appears when a patron cannot login. This error message directs them to a login help page.
  • The login help page ( provides important information to help patrons with their access problems.
  • Patron needs to fill out the contact form ( on the Contact Us page.
    • On the "To help us answer faster, please select the nature of your question" dropdown menu, patron needs to select "Login Issues."

If an individuals does want to try to resolve login issues before sending them to us, they can do the following:

  • Determine if the patron’s 4x4 has changed recently:
    • forward on to web services
  • Determine if they can login to
    • if they can, forward onto web services
    • If not they can't login to
      • forward to OU IT
  • Determine if they have recently changed their password:
    • forward onto web services
  • Determine if they have tried logging in more than 3 times in a row:
    • forward onto web services

Assistive Technology in Bizzell's Computer Lab

The Assistive Technology Computer is located in the Computer Lab on the Main Floor. The technology listed below has been loaded onto the computer. Research Help Desk student workers have been trained on helping patrons use the technology. However, all student workers in BUST will need to know the type of assistive technology available for patrons who call or stop by asking questions.

Assistive Technology Handouts

Library Technology Platforms created these handouts for patrons who need to make computers more accessible. 

Assistive Technology Websites

Library Technology Platforms also recommends the following links for patrons to explore further accessibility options.

User Services Procedures & Policies

Tiered Reference & Referral Process

Process for Undergraduate User Services Student Workers & Graduate Research Assistants

To refer a READ Scale complex level 4 question, level 5 question, or a level 6 question to a liaison librarian, please follow these steps:

  1. You as the student worker will fill out the User Services Referral Form embedded below for the customer. 
    1. Under the Your Info section:
      1. In the Email box, input the customer's email address.
      2. In the Name box, input the customer's name.
      3. In the OU Status dropdown menu, select the customer's OU Status.
    2. Under the Your Question section:
      1. In the Subject box, input REFERRAL: customer's research question or topic. Do not forget to input "REFERRAL" before the customer's research question or topic—this helps the graduate research assistants recognize that you are submitting a referral instead of an actual Email-A-Librarian question.
      2. In the Message box,
        1. input the REFER TO: name of the liaison librarian—this is the liaison librarian to whom you are referring the customer.
        2. input the preliminary searching (if any) that you, as the student worker, has done with the customer—this is important to include so that the liaison librarians will know what you have covered with the customer before you referred them to the librarian.
        3. also input your name and the service desk at which you work.
    3. Select the Receive an email confirmation of your submission box. 
    4. Click on Submit.
  2. Record transaction in your area's stat software
    1. For Research Help Desk student workers, fill out a LibAnswers In-Person Stat form, and be sure to fill out the "Transferred/Referred To" section.
    2. For student workers from Circulation, Outreach, and Edge record transaction on the UL Public Service Desks Form.

As you are filling out the form, remember to show the customer the liaison's user page on the libraries website or their LibCal calendar. This way, the customer will know...

  • how to schedule an appointment next time they need subject help
  • how to get in contact with the liaison.

At this point, Circulation Student Supervisors, Computer Lab Student Library Assistants, Outreach Student Assistants, and Peer Research Mentors are done with the referral process. The 2019 Referral Process Handout has screenshots of this process.

Process for Graduate Research Assistants 

After you or an undergraduate student worker submits a referral for a customer, you'll need to assign the referral ticket to the appropriate liaison librarian.

  1. In the LibAnswers Dashboard, click on any tickets with REFERRAL: at the beginning of the question.
  2. On the ticket page, click on Assign/Transfer tab.
  3. On the Assign/Transfer tab,
    1. open the Apply a Macro to Ticket dropdown menu and select Referral
    2. open the Select the user to own this ticket dropdown menu and select the liaison librarian to whom the ticket will be assigned
    3. edit the Assign/Transfer message,
      1. input the liaison librarian's name in the [input liaison librarian's name] section
      2. input the service desk of student worker who submitted the referral ticket in the [input the service desk that submitted the referral ticket] section.
  4. Leave the Add to Analytics dropdown menu as Do Not Add to Analytics Dataset.
  5. Click on Submit as Open.

At this point, Graduate Research Assistants are done with the referral process. Do not record the referral on the the Email-A-Librarian Ref Analytics page because the undergraduate student worker should have already done this via the in-person transaction. The 2019 Referral Process Handout has screenshots of this process.

User Services Referral Form

BUST student workers, which include student workers & graduate assistants from Circulation, Outreach, Research Help Desk, and the Edge, will use the embedded form below to refer READ Scale complex level 4 questions, level 5 questions, or a level 6 questions to liaison librarians.

Liaison Librarians Contact Information


I've uploaded two documents that will refresh your memory about the Tiered Reference & Referral Guidelines.

Student Worker Projects

Project work is an excellent opportunity for students to build skills for their resumes, collaborate with librarians, and get extra work hours! For librarians, utilizing students for project work allows them to get know the fabulous UL student workers, mentor students, and get some extra help! 

Student Worker Project Approval Procedures

Student worker projects must be preapproved before the project can begin. OU Libraries' administration wants to make sure all student worker project work will ultimately benefit the whole of the organization and reflect the libraries' mission, values, and strategic pillars. To get your project approved, please follow the listed procedures:

  1. Supervisors & student workers will fill out the BUST Project Prospectus that will be approved by Magen.
  2. Magen will read the prospectus to see if the project will benefit the whole of the organization: Does it apply to an Outreach Theme? Does it apply to an organization value? Does it apply to a strategic pillar?
    1. If approved, Magen will send the prospectus to Sarah for final approval.
    2. If denied at this point, Magen will send the prospectus back to the supervisor and student worker for revision of the project or suggestions on a similar project idea.
  3. Sarah will read over the prospectus for final approval.
    1. If Sarah approves the prospectus, student will work with Patrick/Courtney to begin project and project management steps
    2. If Sarah denies the prospectus, the student will need to come up with another project idea.