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Student Success Team

What does the Student Success Team do?

We contribute to both the University and Libraries missions by facilitating healthy learning environments, being stewards of technology access, and growing student's research skills to enable savvy users of information at OU and beyond!

What are the Student Success Team's shared values?

  1. Growth
  2. Compassion
  3. Communication
  4. Community

Computer Lab Quick Access Links

General Links

OU Libraries Workshops & Tours for International Students

Wepa Printers

Computers, Scanners, and Microfilm Readers

Anything Else, including support for the classrooms by the southern entrance (100A, 102, 104, 118A)

READ Scale Definitions for Levels 1 - 2 (Any Library Staff)

Level 1

Definition: Answers that require the least amount of effort; No specialized knowledge skills or expertise; No consultation of resources; Less than 5 minutes. 

Examples: Directional inquiries; Library or service hours; Service point locations; Basic equipment questions (copiers, printers).

Level 2

Definition: Require only minimal specific knowledge skills or expertise; Answers may need nominal resource consultation. 

Examples: Call number inquiries; Item location; Library/policy information; Catalog known item searching; Complex equipment questions (computers).

READ Scale Definitions for Levels 3 - 4 (Research Help Desk)

Level 3

Definition: Answers require some effort & time; Usage of ready reference materials; Minimal instruction of the user; Reference knowledge & skills are used. 

Examples: Answers that require specific reference resources (encyclopedias or databases); Basic instruction on searching the catalog; Direction to relevant subject databases; Introduction to web searching for a certain item; Scanning & saving images; Increasingly complex technical problems (assistance with remote use).

Level 4

Definition: Answers that require multiple resources; Subject specialists may be consulted for instruction and assistance; Reference knowledge and skills used; More instruction based as staff teach users skills. 

Examples Help users learn complex search strategies; Teach cross-referencing and track related materials; Services outside of reference are used; Teach users to focus or expand searches.

READ Scale Definitions for Levels 5 & 6 (Librarians)

Level 5

Definition: More effort & time spent assisting user and finding information; Scheduled consultation appointments with users; Cooperative efforts between the user and librarian and/or with colleagues; Multiple resources used; Research, reference knowledge and skills needed. 

Examples: False leads; Interdisciplinary consultations/research; Question evolution; Expanding searches/resources beyond locally available; Graduate research; Difficult outreach problems (access issues that need to be investigated).

Level 6

Definition: Maximum effort & time spent; Inquiries or requests can't be answered on the spot; Providing in-depth research & services for specific needs of the user; "Special library" type research services; Primary & secondary resources consulted 

Examples: Creating bibliographies & bibliographic education; In-depth faculty and PhD student research; Relaying and supplying supporting materials for publication, exhibits etc; Collaboration and on-going research.

How to send emails to library patrons:

  1. Go to LibAnswers
  2. In the header, under 'Answers' click 'Create'
  3. Fill out the form:
    1. Queue: 'Learning Lab'
    2. Question: Enter the patron's question, e.g. "How do I find a book?"
    3. Question Details (optional): Further explain the patron's question
    4. Asked by (name): Enter the patron's name
    5. Asked by (email): Enter the patron's email
    6. OU Status: Enter the patron's OU status
    7. Phone: Leave blank
    8. Click 'Create Ticket'
  4. Write the email:
    1. Next to 'Apply Macro to Ticket' select the '# Learning Lab Signature' macro, then click 'Apply'
    2. Write the email
    3. At the bottom of the page, click 'Submit Reply as Closed'
    4. Click 'Yes' when asked 'You haven't entered Analytics for this reply. Are you sure you want to proceed?'
    5. Don't forget to record the interaction!

Quick Tips

  • To send permalinks from sites that don't normally allow them, prepend to the article's URL. Ex. if the article address is, then the permalink address is
  • Tips for Google:
    • To quickly search a website (like the library website), Google site:URL [search term], e.g. omeka or covid-19
    • To search for exact text, put your search terms in quotation marks, e.g. "sooner xpress"
    • To omit a search term (boolean NOT), add a hyphen before a search term, e.g. dolphins -Miami
    • To search for one of several terms (boolean OR), add a vertical bar between terms, e.g. teens | youth | young adults
    • To search for synonyms to a search term, use a tilde before a search term, e.g. university ~classes
    • To search within a range of numbers, separate the bounding numbers with two periods, e.g. OU Heisman 2010..2020
  • If a Wepa printer asks for print cards, change the default payment method in the Wepa app and have the patron reupload the document.