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Emergency Phone Numbers


  • 911

Bizzell Library Security

  • Security Desk
    • (405) 325-1597 
  • GardaWorld Security Guard
    • ​(405) 503-4246
  • Larry Myers
    • ​(405) 905-9475
  • Richard Fitzpatrick
    • ​(405) 922-2257
  • Dave Martin
    • (405) 684-3799

OUPD Emergency

  • 911
  • Using an off-campus phone or cell phone, call (405) 325-1911

OUPD Non-emergency

  • (405) 325-2864

Other OU Emergency Telephone Numbers

OU Custodial Services

  • Emergency Maintenance Requests
    • (405) 325-3060
  • Routine Services
    • (405) 325-4069

Emergency Procedures & Information




  1. Be familiar with at least TWO fire exits in your area in case one is blocked or unusable.
  2. Know the locations of the Blue Emergency Phones in your area.


  1. Call 911 to reach the OU Police Department.
  2. Activate the fire alarm and give verbal alarm to others. Fire alarm pulls are generally located near the exits.
  3. If it is safe to do so and does not impede your evacuation, quickly gather your personal belongings and proceed to your nearest exit.
  4. In multi-level buildings, exit using the stairways only. DO NOT USE ELEVATORS.
  5. If it is safe to do so on your way out, close all doors leading to the main hallways to prevent further spread of the fire. NEVER prop stairwell doors open as this will allow smoke and heat to enter the stairwell.
  6. Once outside, move to your Emergency Assembly Area.
  7. Keep roadways and walkways clear for emergency vehicles. Remain upwind from smoke and fumes.
  8. Wait for further instructions from OU Police or emergency personnel. DO NOT RE-ENTER THE BUILDING UNTIL INSTRUCTED TO DO SO by OU Police or properly identified emergency personnel.

If your clothes are on fire, stop, drop to the floor and roll covering your face with your hands. Smother the fire with a blanket, rug or heavy coat. Call for help. If you encounter heavy smoke stay low to the floor.

OU Emergency Alerts

All User Services staff should be registered to receive OU Alerts. 

OU Libraries Emergency and Disaster Manual, 2015

First Aid for Seizures

Bomb Threats

If you answer the phone and the caller makes a bomb threat, keep track of what to say and listen for using these instructions and checklist:

Other Useful Links


  1. At least one Circulation Student Employee will stand outside each entrance to the Library and prevent individuals from entering.
  2. Collect return items from users if they want to turn something in on the way out (items will need to be backdated after alarm is over).
  3. Learning Lab, Computer Lab, and Outreach student workers need to evacuate immediately and gather in the patio area of Ellison Hall.
  4. Assist in clearing the building as you leave if safe to do so.  Clearly state to an individual that the Library is evacuating and ask them to leave.  If they refuse, report to security the location of the individual.  Do not stop to argue with them but proceed towards exiting the building.
  5. Ignore gate alarms.
  6. Wait for an “all clear” notification from an authorized individual, security, or the Fire Marshall before allowing re-entry.


Power Outage

  1. A decision to evacuate will be made by Library Administration and Facilities Managment on a case-by-case basis. 
  2. If evacuation is ordered, at least one Circulation Student Employee will stand at each entrance to receive any items a user indicates they have not checked out or want to return and prevent individuals from entering.  We will no longer be checking book bags.
  3. Wait for an “all clear” notification from an authorized individual or security before allowing re-entry. 

Severe Weather (Tornado)

Action is required when at least one of 3 things happens:

  1. The City of Norman sirens go off.
  2. There is an OU Alert to seek shelter.
  3. The National Weather Service advises the Norman/Campus area to seek shelter.

If any one of the 3 happens, evacuate immediately downstairs to a refuge area.  You may be asked to help-out with crowd control in preventing people from entering unauthorized areas on LL1 and LL2.  This will most likely occur during the weekend or evening hours when there are fewer full-time employees.

  1. Assist others to the refuge area as you go, but do not pause to argue with them.
  2. Individuals seeking shelter with pets will need to be directed to the refuge area located on LL1 in the 1929 edition.
  3. Wait for an “all clear” notification from an authorized individual or security before leaving the refuge area.
  4. If an “all clear” has been given and it is closing time, but the weather is still an issue (i.e., heavy rainfall, lightning) follow the direction of security.

In cases of severe weather, ensure that the TV in the Bookmark Cafe is showing Channel 5. 

Channel 5 can also be displayed as one of the Live Sources on the Prism in the Community Room. 

Monitor the weather conditions​

Other OU Weather Info

Threatening or Uncomfortable Situations

If you encounter someone at the desk that makes you feel uncomfortable, contact security or the Circulation desk and ask this question: 

  • “Can you check the drop for me?” 

This will signify to them to send someone from security to your location to check things out.  For example, if you have a patron hanging around your desk a little too long or behaving oddly but not in a threatening manner security can handle it.

Circulation student workers, since security works at the same desk as you, you can say the security line to them or one of your co-student workers. 

Learning Lab, Computer Lab, and Outreach student workers, you can either call the security number directly or the Circulation number, and then say the security line to whoever answers the phone and your message will be received by or passed onto security.

If you encounter someone that threatens you or is exhibiting threatening behavior towards someone else, call 911 immediately.

What To Do In Case Of Fire