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Computer Lab Training Materials

People going through the on-boarding training process should print tabs titled Phase 1Phase 2, and Phase 3 from the link below to track their progress.

About Me

Creating and Learning Video Activity

In this activity, you will be learning how to create and edit videos using the recording studios and computer programs. For this activity, you will be creating and editing a video about yourself. This “About Me” video will be used as a reference for people such as staff, students and faculty to know who you are and get to know you a little better (similar to the picture profile). However, in addition to creating a video, you will also be tested on the recording process. For this test will have you demonstrate the knowledge you have learned from creating your own video. After completing this test you will be expected to be able to show and guide others on how to do similar tasks. The main goal of this MANDATORY activity is for us to be able to efficiently work and collaborate with students and faculty on various projects that demand the use of the video recording studios and the skills to deliver a finished professional video. Therefore, in order to complete this activity please follow the steps below.

Step 1

Select 6-8 questions (required not included) from the list below to answer in your video. When you are finished picking your questions, please prepare the answers BEFORE the recording process. (*Required questions you must answer)

  1. *What is your name?       
  2. *What is your major?
  3. *What is your classification?
  4. *Where are you from?
  5. What are your hobbies?
  6. How would you describe yourself?
  7. What activities on campus are you apart of?
  8. What is your favorite place on campus and why?
  9. Where do you want to be in five years?
  10. What are you most passionate about and why?
  11. If you could be an actor or actress, who would it be and why?
  12. Do you live your life by any mottos or quotations? If so, which one and why?
  13. What is your biggest fear and why?
  14. What is your favorite food?
  15. Do you have any special talents? If possible, can you show demonstrate them?
  16. What is your dream car?
  17. Have you ever broken a bone? How?
  18. What are you proud of so far and why?
  19. What are you most grateful for and why?
  20. If you have 1 million dollars, what will you do with it and why?
  21. What is your ideal life and why?
  22. What do you think the meaning of life is?
  23. Who are your mentors in life and why?
  24. Are you right or left-handed?
  25. Do you have any quirks, strange mannerisms, annoying habits, or other defining characteristics?
  26. What is your favorite color?
  27. What is your favorite genre and why?
  28. What are your pet peeves and why?
  29. What three words best describe your personality?
  30. What is your favorite movie and why?

Step 2

To schedule a time to record your video, sign up for one of the available time slots on the room reservation website.

Step 3

On the day of your choice, you will record your “About Me” video with your training buddy in one of the recording studios.  Remember, this activity is not just for fun. It is mainly for your individual learning, so you can ultimately help other students and faculty do the tasks you are doing. Therefore, you will be guided through the process of recording videos and expected to be able to repeat it when the opportunity presents itself with a student or faculty member.

Step 4

Once you have finished your video, you will put it on a flash drive provided by Patrick or your training buddy and it will be archived.